Chemfrost - New Year's Eve Heist

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A/N: Written for New Year's and the Snowbarry Holidays event on the snowbarryspot tumblr. I wanted to do a little something for Chemfrost for New Year's to go with the moodboard....and then I accidentally wrote 1.8k for a heist. Unbetaed - I hope it makes sense and people enjoy.


Just One Night


As the clock winds closer to midnight, The Chemist's arm winds around her waist, and she has to resist the urge to say something off script because she knows he won't appreciate the distraction on the job. Now's the time to play nice, if not a little naughty – though the kind of naughty they intend to be is rather different from this act they're putting on as they weave across the room towards a particular corridor. No one pays much heed to two drunken party-goers sneaking off to find a darkened corner with a normal enough bottle of champagne in hand. Of course, in the hands of The Chemist - with his arsenal of powders and liquids snuck in under the guise of her perfume atomizer and makeup compacts – it's not going to remain ordinary for too long.

Once they're out of sight of the main room, she flexes her fingers in anticipation of wielding her powers again finally. She's been itching to ice something all night, bored of pretending to be someone inconsequential so as to not stand out of the crowd. Having to hold all her impulses inside isn't so much her style, but it's his style and this is his plan. His plan that involves a lot of hands on work from both of them.

There's still the camera in the corner to deal with. He drops the bottle and she smirks at him as he pushes her up against the wall, bringing his face impossibly close, keeping up the pretense of two lovers. In reality, he's shielding the unnatural bright white of her eyes from the camera. His eyes are dark and he's breathing awfully fast as his body almost presses up against her for the ruse – he'd probably claim it's the adrenaline from the heist that has him amped up, nothing to do with her, but she's enjoying it nevertheless, as a possible taste of something they could revisit later on. He holds up one of her hands against the wall, and with the way he's angled, anyone viewing the footage might assume her other hand is held up on the other side. Instead, she reaches down to the side and threads the icy mist from her fingers into the nearby electrical socket. Just enough to short-circuit it and kill the lights and cameras that are foolishly on the same circuit breaker for this floor. The mark is paranoid enough to have a top-of-the-line vault installed, the kind that would have even Leonard Snart pausing for thought and possibly getting caught on a bad day, but that seems to have made him lax on other measures. They had the good sense to check for weapons and electronic devices before admitting anyone on the grounds, as well as for ready-made explosives, but not for the less usual constituent parts of what could be one and the same.

They don't have much time once the camera is out before someone investigates in person, hurrying down the corridor to one of the rooms above the back end of the vault. The Chemist counts out the steps from the door and then the contents of her purse are tipped out for him on the floor, with her holding up a burner phone as a torch for him to work by. She watches him set up the concoction of his and then collect up the items back into her purse. He stands back to a safe distance, one hand pushing her back with him though he doesn't look at her as he does so. He preps the champagne ready to pop the cork, shaking it a little. With his sleeve pulled back, his focus is pinpoint, eyes on his watch. Waiting for the clock to strike midnight and the fireworks to start. The perfect timing for the spray of champagne setting off a relatively small reaction to get a view into the vault. It won't be enough to break in in the usual way, but then again, they aren't aiming to steal most of the contents. There's just one thing in that vault of interest to The Chemist and it's certainly not the gold bars stacked high further across in the room below.

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