Snowbarry - Florist family business AU

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Quote by John Harrigan.

I asked for suggestions over on the SnowbarrySpot Discord and batty suggested family business Florist!Barry. ~700 word ficlet below - it gets a touch angsty but is happy overall / an extended meetcute.


The first time she comes into their shop she's clearly in a hurry and doesn't know what to get. When pressed she says the flowers are for her mom but she hardly seems invested in what precisely she gets because she accepts his first suggestion. He watches her walk into the clinic across the street and come out not that much later with Dr. Snow, or Tommy as Barry's dad calls him. He can put 2 and 2 together from her credit card name of Dr. C L Snow that she's probably the doctor's daughter, though he's surprised he's never seen her before in all the years his dad and Dr. Snow have both volunteered at the clinic.

He sees her more often after that, with her sometimes dropping by to buy some of their artificial flowers that he assumes are for the clinic since she usually goes straight there and then comes out with her father not long after. Sometimes she drops by after they return to the clinic for a small pre-made bunch of real flowers he wonders if are for her alone. When Barry mentions it at family dinner, his dad smiles brightly and explains she moved back to the area recently, keen to spend more time with her father.

The second time she comes in for a more than brief in and out visit she browses the whole store so thoughtfully he doesn't dare interrupt her process. There's no mistaking this purchase is one she cares dearly about. When she finally settles on one of the rarer orchids, and a fancy gold pot that she asks for it to be repotted into, she's brimming with excitement.

"Special occasion?" he asks, a standard enough question, though he's more invested in the answer this time.

"My dad's retiring."

He doesn't think he's ever seen someone so happy about a retirement present before. Normally chatty, he doesn't know what to say to that.

"We...we thought...A few years back, we didn't know if he'd live long enough to retire so it's - it's..." Her smile drops, as does her gaze at the memory, her whole demeanor closing off subtly as she's lost in the thought.

"A relief that he can?"

"Yeah, something like that," she says, looking back up to him, happiness slowly creeping back in at his reminder of the present.

The following week he sees her go to the clinic every other day and at family dinner his dad confirms his suspicion she's taken over the bulk of her father's hours with his retirement. Barry spends the weekend pondering what a suitable office warming gift would be and eventually decides a low maintenance cacti would be the least intrusive gift to leave at reception for her.

His shift at the shop apparently ends before her clinic shift does, but when he returns to the shop the next day his mom pulls out a card left for him with a wry grin.

Is your choice of plant a commentary on my personality, a pun about our needle-stick tendencies or do you dislike doctors?

He quickly pulls out a card to write his reply.

I don't send gifts to people I dislike, but to be sure I probably need to get to know you better.

He seals it in a small gift box with some of their floral tea offerings and takes it across the street right away. His mom eyes his behavior with interest the whole time, as if it's a spectacle, making his cheeks bristle with heat.

"She just moved here. I'm just being friendly."

"Uh-huh," she says, sounding far from convinced but definitely amused.

That card left for Caitlin is far from the last and there's a certain thrill he gets from finding another from her each morning he opens up the shop. Though his mom does start to get exasperated he's always vying for the early shifts and avoiding actual interaction as she sees it. But that all comes to a head when his dad invites him to the yearly clinic fundraiser Caitlin is sure to be at in person.


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