Pandora's Box - Chapter Nine

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Ensign Gregory Geralt shifted nervously in his harness, trying to accept the position he now found himself in. Captain Wilhelm had been wrong, the inquiry had gone terribly. They found him guilty of grievous incompetence tantamount to treason against the GDU due to his inability to follow protocol. Not only would he be put to death, if he were lucky, but his family's honour would be forever tainted, if they weren't driven out of the Habitat entirely. Six generations of proud guardsmen came to a screeching halt, and he felt his elders looking down on him with disgust. He'd screwed up, he knew that, but he didn't think the ramifications would be so extreme. He'd disgraced himself, his unit, his nation. His blunder had risked destabilizing society as they knew it, risked exposing the people down below to their actions, all because of a split-second panic move. He could've very well blown it all. He couldn't live with the shame, and had considered taking his own life before the Captain had offered him a deal.

"All I have to do is sortie on the enemy's forward operations base," he repeated the instructions he'd been given, "and my family's honour would be restored." He didn't care about his own life, not anymore, but if he could do this he may give his family a chance. Give his son a chance to finish school and maintain the lineage. Things he'd failed to provide them in life, he could now in death, and that was good enough. He was being made a Martyr. He would go out, attack the enemy by himself, and die honourably for his nation. If he took out a few IRT dregs while he was at it, all the better. Their forward base was a sitting duck after the last battle, sinking it would be child's play. It seemed too good to be true, and the Captain had been so generous in offering it to him. He knew it must've been a great difficulty appealing to the Administration, yet the Captain had given him a chance.

"Ensign Gregory Geralt," the controller's distorted voice cracked over the comm. "Final launch preparations are underway."

"Copy that, Control," the Ensign confirmed. He ran the checks on his end as well, and looked at his hand. The damage was still there from when he'd made that split-second decision that'd nearly cost so much. When he chose to panic instead of following protocol, chose to give in to his fear rather than simply follow his training.

"Final preparations complete, you are clear to launch," Control said, "stand by."

"Roger that," Gregory said. Being on standby was always the worst part. That stillness, that calm before the storm. Now he was being asked to wait quietly for his own demise, yet it wasn't fear, but anticipation that nagged at him. He wouldn't fail again. Too much was riding on this.

"Ensign Geralt," a warm, familiar voice came over the comm. The Ensign brought up the video call display, and Captain Marcus Wilhelm's face appeared before him. He wore that same, confident, reassuring smile he always had, the one that told you everything was under control.

"Captain, sir," Gregory couldn't salute in this position, but he made sure his body language was of rigid attention.

"Ensign," Marcus said, "I'm sorry it has come to this. One such as yourself, who's devoted so much to our nation, deserves the recognition of your deeds, but we all must be accountable for our actions," Gregory's throat tightened, but he remained silent as the Captain continued, "however, your willingness to redeem your family's honour does you more credit than your career to this point has achieved. You not only do them proud, but myself as well as the entirety of the Eclipse Guard."

"Thank you, sir," Gregory managed to keep his tone composed, but inside he was overcome with emotion.

"And know this," Marcus continued, "if you are successful, I will personally see to your family's well-being. Your name will be protected, you have my word."

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Gregory asked.

"You've earned that much," Marcus nodded solemnly.

"I know there won't be anything left of me," the Ensign found the words hard to say, "but please, make sure they know I did this for them."

"Your children will grow up knowing their father was a hero," Marcus said. "Farewell, and good luck." The video clicked off. Gregory fought back tears. He would not see his son grow up, but he could leave him a legacy. That would have to be enough.

"Standby order lifted," Control informed him, "you are clear for takeoff."

"Ensign Gregory Geralt, launching," he said, and hit the release on his flight base, lurching inside his Argonaut as he lifted off from the platform's flight catapult.

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