Snow Angels - Chapter Forty Nine

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The feeling had been so sudden, so compelling, it pulled Arva from her deep sleep. Like a memory randomly resurfacing, a name not heard in years or a smell that triggers recollection. It was that same intangible bond that connected Arva to the machine. It almost felt like Antumbra was calling to her, but it wasn't quite that, it was more passive. Whatever it was lasted only a few moments, but it was enough to leave her shaken and confused, until she remembered where she was and what happened. It still seemed unreal in many ways, but Arva knew this was no dream. She debated going back to sleep, she was still exhausted and her injuries hadn't exactly healed overnight, but she decided the sooner she could get home the better. Marcus needed to know what they had discovered, that there was another Antumbra, and that the IRT had it. Arva carefully sat up, cradling her side in her hand. It alternated between stinging and cramping as she moved, but it was bearable at least.

"May I come in, child?" Beshii's voice came from behind the curtain.

"Please," Arva said, and the elderly woman wore a cheerful smile as she carried folded clothes in her hands.

"I washed clothes of yours," she said, "and brought some of Katalin's old snow pants and parka."

"Are you sure?" Arva reluctantly accepted them, placing the stack next to her on the bed.

"Bah, they fit her no longer," she waved her hand, "besides, how you make it to town in only these?" Beshii held up her training fatigues, which were severely torn and still had faint blood stains on them despite being washed.

"You have a point," Arva nodded.

"I suppose," Beshii began, "I cannot convince you to stay a bit? Rest and heal more, ya?" Arva shook her head, and Beshii nodded as she left to give her some privacy as she got dressed. The hand-me-downs weren't an exact fit, as Katalin didn't quite share Arva's body type, but it was better than walking through snow in her underwear. She had also mercifully been given socks, an amenity she had recently come to appreciate. The clothes were warm, and the parka buttoned all the way up, so she was satisfied. It was nice, with furry trim that Arva hoped wasn't real, and pom poms that hung from the wrists. She picked up her boots which had been placed next to her bed and walked out into the living room with them in her hand. Beshii was in the kitchen, but the house seemed otherwise empty.

"Where is everyone?" Arva asked.

"Outside," Beshii answered, "playing. You go too, see my son. He should be able to take you to town now."

"I can't thank you enough," Arva said, feeling a little sad she had to leave, "I doubt we'll ever see each other again, but I owe you regardless."

"Pash pash," Beshii tossed her dish towel into the sink then turned to Arva, arms open as she beckoned her with her hands. Arva smiled and gave the old woman a hug, and she spoke softly, "you owe us nothing, dear."

She was so much like Gramma, Arva thought. Unable to say no to anyone in need, they lived to help others, and it was this kind of person Arva wished to be. After all the abuse and death, the kindness Arva had been shown moved her to tears. She bid her goodbye and stepped outside, the cold and wind catching her off guard a bit. It was a far cry from the warm snugness of a bed, but Arva toughed it out thanks to the parka. At least it wasn't a blizzard anymore, and she could clearly see the whole property. The house she was in was actually one of the smallest buildings, with another one directly across, and what looked like a barn. The smaller children played nearby, and Arva saw older people toiling away. There was a satisfying crunch with each step she took as she marched through the snow, and it nearly came past her boots. She stopped a moment to put the ankles of the pants over them, to try and keep the snow out, and when she looked up Katalin was standing above her, a wide smile stretched across her pink face.

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