World's Collide - Chapter Sixty Six

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Arva's hands shook as the broadcast concluded, unable to properly process what she just heard. The people on the surface were already killing each other for no reason, this woman's speech would only incite more violence, drive the fanatical to hate, and the fearful to lash out. Vladolf and Umbra, appearing like that, it was too convenient. The mere thought of what that machine could do to the Lows and the city was terrifying. Nowhere was safe, not anymore, and Arva had no idea what to do.

"Well fuck me," Boomer said what was on all of their minds, "she just declared bloody war on Hybrids. That's one way to deal with disclosure."

"Nobody would be insane enough to go through with this," Kyodai said.

"What is the PM thinking?" Constance asked. "Even people in the Habitat know that's a load of bullshit."

"It's not for the people up there," Arva put Antumbra into a steep dive, pulling ahead of the group as she headed down.

"Where are you going?" Constance asked.

"I have to stop it," Arva explained. "That message was directed at the people on the surface. She's feeding the humans' fear to escalate things. There's already violence on both sides, and it's only going to get worse if she makes them believe it's part of some conspir-" Arva nearly had the wind knocked out of her as she was struck midair and driven into the lowest levels of the Habitat, crashing through the thick armour plating of the underbelly and into the complex latticework that supported the propulsion system that kept it afloat. She banged across multiple supports, bouncing like a limp toy until she hit a flat surface. Antumbra had done all it could to brace her, but the impact and inertia nearly knocked her out, but she was kept awake by a sudden pain as something pressed into her chest.

"Quite the tale, isn't it?" Vladolf's voice came through her speakers. Umbra crouched above her, keeping Antumbra pinned.

"Why are you helping them?" Arva asked, trying to push him off, but he was too strong. Their suits were about equal in agility, but Umbra was larger and heavier, and he was far more in tune with his machine. Arva could do nothing but try and plead with him, "if you spread this lie people will get hurt! Hybrids who've done nothing! How can you let your own kind die?"

"I'm not helping them," he said, standing up to release her, "in fact I had no part in this at all."

"Then why pose for the cameras?" Arva kicked Umbra square in the midsection. It barely stumbled back, but before she could follow up with anything substantial it was suddenly behind her. It moved so fast she didn't even see the blur, and only knew where it went because she felt a hard hit to the back of her head that knocked Antumbra down onto all fours.

"For you!" He said incredulously, as if insulted she did not appreciate his gesture. "I came all this way just to see you again."

"I'm flattered," Arva said, trying to crawl away, but Umbra placed its foot on her back, stopping her.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you," Vladolf said, "or our battle. It's not often you find a true kindred spirit."

"We're nothing alike," she rolled to the side, but Umbra was on her again in an instant, this time locking her limbs in a hold.

"We're the same," Vladolf said in a low, melodic tone, "two Hybrids, gifted with horrible power, killing to change a broken world."

"I'm not killing, I'm fighting!" Arva grunted as she tried to struggle, but the lock was solid, and she lacked training in escaping these kinds of holds. It was like fighting Kyodai, only Umbra wouldn't even budge an inch.

"English is not my first language," Vladolf said, "but is there really a difference?"

"There's every difference!" Arva screamed as she impotently fought against him, "and if you really cared about Hybrids you wouldn't be letting the Prime Minister get away with that speech! Why would you let your own kind die?"

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