Chapter 9 - Breaking all the Rules

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~Justin's POV~

When Emma told me that she never wanted to see me again, it actually tore my heart to shreds.

I didn't realise how I felt about her until she said that.

"Please let me explain," I say after the dance, when we are alone – well sort of.

"Go ahead, explain the reason you take humans back to that hotel and – how is it you put it – screw them."

"Okay when you put it like that, it sounds bad."

"How could it possibly sound good?"

"Look, what we did is nothing like what I used to do with the humans.  I have never shown myself to any woman but you."

"Really? So what did you do to those you took to the hotel?"

"We just talked, I swear."

I sigh.

"Listen, I'm a complete fraud.  I even lied to my brother."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone who knows me thinks I play around with human women but the truth is, I get lessons from them."


"Yes, everything I know about humans I was taught by women."

"So let me get this straight, you took humans to that hotel to get them to teach you about the human world?"

I look down in shame.

She lifts my chin up so I'm looking at her.

"There is no shame in that."

"You really think so? My father is very disappointed in me for even going to the human world."

"Then your father is a fool."

We look into each other's eyes and despite the rule on kissing and love, she leans in and our lips meet.

"Stop them," I hear somebody shout and the two of us are pulled apart.

"What the fairy dust do you two think you are doing?" my father asks.

"I don't care about the rules," I say.

"Neither do I," Emma says and we smile at each other.

"Take them to the dungeons," the king says.  "Maybe a night in the cells will teach them a lesson."

I didn't care.  If only they knew we'd broken a far worse rule than just kissing each other.

~Lucy's POV~

I felt pride when Emma and Justin kissed, and knew that no matter how I felt about Josh, I had to marry Matt so I could become queen and change these stupid rules.

Once the rest of the palace has gone to sleep, I sneak down to the dungeons.

"Lucy, what are you doing?" Justin asks.

"I'm getting you out of here; we're going to the human world."

I unlock the cell doors and the three of us hurry to the portal.

"I have to get Josh," Justin says as he stops.

"Josh?" I ask.

"Yes, if we're running away, Josh will want to come."

"You mean Josh is a fairy?"

"Didn't you work that out when you saw me at the Spring Formal?"

"No, I figured he was a human friend."

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