Chapter 4 - Coffee

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~Lucy POV~

 After our trip to the trampoline park, Josh took me back to my car where I told him my parents were going to pick me up.

But in reality, the portal was not that far away from my car so I decide to walk there.

It was getting quite late.

I am sure my parents were going to be so mad at me as I had missed half a day of studying and from doing my chores and also I had missed a very important meeting with the council where we were supposed to speak about how my coronation was to take place but I had forgotten all about it and just now I remembered.

Plus my communicator was beeping none stop and realise I had five missed calls from Emma and 7 from my father so I hurried home as fast as I could.

When I arrived my father was waiting for me in the throne room and I knew that he was going to lecture me about my duties and responsibilities I have to do as a future queen of Layland and that I can't just decide to skip on important meetings or it could cause great destruction if I did.

But I couldn't tell him that the reason for not attending the meeting was a guy so I lied and said I was at the library for an important test coming up at human school and as I was lying I told him that someone smashed my car in a hit and run while I was at the library and I just managed to drive up not so far from the portal before it stopped for good.

He asked if I got hurt and send me back to my room so I could study some more and catch up on fairy school and the histories of Layland as part of the knowledge I need to know before I become queen.

~Matt POV~

Once I left her by her car where she told me a lie that her parents were going to pick her up.  I knew very well that she was going to walk to the portal so I waited out of sight with Justin and I told him that I was very close to kissing Lucy before he rudely interrupted us.

After fifteen minutes had passed by since I left Lucy I went for the portal myself as I was sure I was in deep trouble.

I had missed an important meeting with the King my dad was going to ground me forever.

I had no idea what I was going to tell him so as I was on my way home I came up with something.

As I arrived he started shouting about how could I forget my meeting with the king and how I humiliated him in front of all his friends at the council who were there to meet MY LOVE Lucy (which I wasn't allowed to stay for).  But she wasn't there either obviously as she was with me in the human world.

I told my father that I was ashamed that I missed the meeting with the king but I had a good reason and that while I was doing my daily routine I fell into a hole in the ground and I knocked my head on the way down, blacking out and when I came to I realised I was late so I came straight home.

To my surprise my father believed me and sent me to my room to rest.

Although I couldn't shut my eyes as I could not stop thinking about Lucy and our almost kiss, I couldn't believe it - for her she was going to kiss a human which was forbidden.  Not that I was complaining cause she wasn't really breaking the rules but still.

~Lucy POV ~

The next day, during a maths lesson, I couldn't help but notice that Josh was at the back of the class during the lesson.

As the bell rung, I hurried to my locker to get my other books and wait for Emma to come so we could go to our next class together.

That is when I spotted Josh coming my way so I acted cool even though I was panicking as the last time we spoke we almost kissed.

I couldn't help myself, I felt drawn to him like a magnet.

I couldn't explain it and I had a pretty good feeling he felt it too because he came up to me and asked me for some maths notes which I suspected was an excuse so he could talk to me without it being awkward so I went along with it.

He asked me if I had last week's math as he had an appointment and missed the lesson.

I replied that I did have them and asked him if he wanted to meet after school and go for a coffee and I could show him what he missed as its quite complicated and he agreed.

After school I waited in the parking lot for him and we went together to the coffee shop.

When we arrive, I ordered a hot chocolate with foam on top as it was my favourite drink and also my go to drink when I was nervous which I was and he ordered a cup of coffee.

I showed him my math notes and explained the hard math theories and after I finished with that we started talking and let me tell you it felt like I have known him in forever which is strange for me as I am quite shy when it comes to making new friends - especially guys.

This is one of my problems for when I become a queen as I am not very good at public speaking as well so I have to think of a way to overcome this fear.

I realise it's getting late, we have been talking for hours but what am I suppose to do? I had to get back to Layland or my parents will start to worry and they would want an explanation of where I have been and I couldn't tell them I had another crash and there's no way I could tell them the truth.

I told Josh I will meet him the next morning if he would like and drank my now half empty hot chocolate but before I left he took my hand and asked me if I would like to go to dinner with him in two days.

I didn't know what to say so I said that I would tell him the next day, then I left.

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