Chapter 11 - Missing

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~Lucy's POV~

As I'm getting ready, I hear raised voices and then Emma bursts into my room.

"What's going on?"

"It's Matt, something has happened."

"What?" I ask with sudden concern.

"We don't know, Justin found him unconscious in his room not long ago."

Without hesitation, I go to my window and fly fast to Matt's window where I find medical fairies trying to figure out what's wrong with the love of my life.

Despite the fact I'm not meant to see him before we've exchanged vows, I go inside and kneel down next to him.

"Princess Lucy," Lord Wilfred says.  "You're not meant to be here.  You aren't allowed to see him..."

"I don't care," I say.  "We've already met and we're in love."

Everyone looks at me.

"None of that matters now, what's wrong with him?"

"We don't know, Princess," one of the medical fairies says.

"We've checked him all over and run tests but nothing seems to be wrong with him," the other says.

"Shouldn't he be in hospital?"

"We were about to take him."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

One of the medical fairies picks him up and I follow them out of the room.

~Matt's POV~

I find Baron Tyro lurking near my house and I try grabbing him but like with Justin, my hands just go right through him.

"When the king finds out what you've done, he'll have your head," I say but he can't hear me.

I see Lucy flying overhead and going into my window so I fly up there and watch.

"Princess Lucy," father says.  "You're not meant to be here.  You aren't allowed to see him..."

"I don't care," she says.  "We've already met and we're in love."

They all look at her.

"None of that matters now," Lucy says to the men.  "What's wrong with him?"

"We don't know, Princess," one of the medical fairies says.

"We've checked him all over and run tests but nothing seems to be wrong with him," the other says.

"Shouldn't he be in hospital?"

"We were about to take him."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

One of the medical fairies picks up my body so I follow them out and walk with them to the hospital round the corner where my body is placed on a bed.

Lucy sits beside me and takes my hand while the medical fairies run more tests on me.

"Please come back to me, Matt.  I'm nothing without you," she says, her voice breaking.

I go over to her and gently place my hand near her shoulder as I now know trying to touch it is useless.

"I'm right here my love and I swear I will find a way of getting back to you."

I stay with her as she stays with me, all day and she doesn't even move when her father comes in.

"Lucy, you have some explaining to do.  You know the rules about meeting your betrothed."

"I don't care father, it's a stupid rule and when I'm queen, it's the first to go."

"You cannot change the rules of Layland."

"I'm to be the queen; I can do whatever I like."

"These rules have been in place for centuries.  No king or queen has dared change them."

"What will happen father? Will I die? Will Layland disappear? Will I lose my wings? I don't want any of it without Matt."

He just stares at her.

She moves away from my body and takes her father's hand.

"Please daddy, you must change the rules, at least for me.  If Matt dies, I'll have to marry the Baron and he's old and ugly and smells bad."

Of course, that's why Baron Tyro did this to me.  He made me disappear and I'd be presumed dead which meant he'd get Lucy and the crown.

I have to figure out what he did to me and get it reversed before it's too late.

"I will return my love," I say before I fly to the window and fly over to the Baron's house.

Once inside, I look around for anything that might tell me what he's done but when I go to move something, like with Justin and the Baron, my hand goes right through it.

Okay, I can't make a physical connection with anything, and nobody can hear me so what do I do now.

I look around and see a mirror so go over to it and to my surprise, I can see my reflection.

This is good, if I can see myself, perhaps others can see my reflection and I can get them to find out what happened.

As I stare at the mirror, breathing like normal, steam appears on the glass and another thought occurs to me so I put a finger near the mirror, with my tip to the steam and I move my finger down.

My finger goes through the mirror but leaves a mark on the steam.

Realising what I can do, I fly back to the hospital but when I get there, the guard are there and Emma is comforting Lucy.

"No, no, no, I can't be dead."

I go into the room but my body has gone, where's it gone?

"Find him," one of the guards says.

Okay, maybe I'm not dead.  Either I'm awake and trying to find my spirit or... the Baron.

I go back out the window and fly around Layland until I see the Baron carrying a large bag through the back allies of Layland so I fly down and begin following him.

"What are you doing Baron?" I ask despite knowing he cannot hear me.

He continues until he reaches the fairy waste yard and I watch in horror as he throws my body into the burner.

The burner is an incinerator which only gets turned on once a month to destroy the rubbish in the yard, and it's due to be turned on at sunset so now the pressure is on to communicate with somebody before my body is burnt and my precious Lucy is forced to marry an old man who killed the love of her life.

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