Chapter 10 - Change of Plan

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~Matt's POV~

That was the best experience of my life - Lucy was mine and I was hers.

When I wake up, I look at the time; it's nearly 5pm so I climb out of bed and put my clothes back on just as Lucy wakes up.

"Hey gorgeous!"

"What time is it?"

"Ten to five."

"You know, for once I'm not in a hurry to get home."

"I know what you mean.  We're together, and that's all that matters."

"That was amazing, by the way."

"You're amazing.  Hey, I know we've done this the wrong way round but would you like to go out for dinner?"

"I'd love to," she replies as she gets dressed.

I go over to her and stroke her hair from her face.

"I don't think anyone has loved another person as much as I love you."

"There is one," she smiles and I realise she means she loves me more.

I stroke her cheek as I lean in for a kiss and she meets me.

Downstairs in the hotel restaurant, once we've ordered, I take her hand.

"So tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

We talk for ages and at ten to eight I look at the time.

"I had better get back before my parents send the guard here to find me," she says.

"To be honest, I think with both of us doing disappearing acts, they've probably figured it out or close to doing so."

"I don't really care anymore.  When I'm queen, I promise that these stupid traditions are being abolished."

"Shouldn't you consult your husband on that?"

"Are you really going to go there?"

I laugh and she laughs too.

~Lucy's POV~

When I get back to the palace, Emma's father is standing at the gate with Emma, who does not look happy – this can't be good.

Despite me being a princess and above him in term of status, he grabs both mine and Emma's arms and leads us into the throne room.

"Thank you, Adeen," my father says before Adeen drags his daughter back out of the room.

It's then that I notice Joyce standing beside my mother and realise what's happened.

"Why was Joyce wearing your ring?" my father asks.

Okay, they don't know.

"I dropped it and have been searching everywhere for it," I lie.

"Liar," Joyce shouts.

"Quiet," my father demands and my younger sister submits.

"So you didn't give it to her to keep her quiet about a human boy?" father asks.

I just laugh.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," I laugh.

Joyce gives me the death glare.

"We did think it was a little out of character for you," mother says.

"I don't even talk to the humans at school."

"Okay, Lucy, thank you, you can go."

I take my ring.

"But... but..." Joyce protests and I grin from ear to ear as I leave the throne room.

A few days later, Emma and I sit our test at fairy school, and despite knowing I'll get my wings regardless, I'd studied hard and I wasn't about to let all my hard work go to waste.

I thought I did well, and even Emma, who hadn't really studied because she'd been hanging out with Justin in the human world, said she thought she'd done well.

It's been a week since then and I'm sitting with Emma, both donning our graduation gowns and caps, waiting to find out how we did.  My parents said that if I didn't get at least a 98, they would be so disappointed.

Justin's name is called and he goes up, looking as nervous as a rabbit cornered by a fox.

"Congratulations, you got 100," the head school fairy says.

He looks dumfounded as he takes his seat.  He was so down on himself and always thought he'd get the lowest score.

"Emma Frost," he calls and I pat my friend's back as she stands and makes her way to the front.

"Congratulations, 99."

Yes, she can be my personal lady-in-waiting.

"And last but certainly not least, Princess Lucy."

I make my way up.

"Congratulations, 100."

I'm not bothered because I am the only fairy to get my wings regardless, not even my sisters have that guarantee.

I take my seat next to the others as a teacher hands out their job papers and then the wing bearers hand out the wings to all those with a pass.

It feels weird having wings now but I also know that now I have them, I cannot leave Layland so I won't be able to see Matt until our wedding day.

~Matt's POV~

It's the day of the wedding and I can't wait to see Lucy again.  We haven't seen each other since the day before graduation but now we both have our wings, the human world is out of bounds or we'll be discovered.

I can't stop thinking about her, and miss her like crazy.  Her beautiful violet-blue eyes, her silky black and blue hair.  I can't wait for her to be my wife so I can love her without crime or punishment.

There's a knock at the door and I presume it's Justin but it's not, it's Baron Tyro.

"What do you want?"

"I want the crown."

"You're having a laugh right?"

"I will have the crown, and your precious Lucy," he says before he throws water over me.

"What the wings?" I shout.  "You've ruined my suit."

"You won't be needing it."

I start feeling weird and see an evil grin on his face.

"What have you done to me?" I ask before my body falls to the ground and I'm left as a spirit, looking down at my dead body.

It's then that I notice I'm not dead, I'm still breathing.

"What did you do?" I scream but he ignores me.

"Right now to dispose of you?"

There's another knock at the door and Tyro panics before he hurries to the window and flies away.

Justin comes in.

"Matt, oh my fairy dust, what happened?" he asks as he kneels down beside me.

"Justin, thank goodness," I say.  "Baron Tyro has done something to me."

It's when Justin ignores me that I realise whatever Tyro did has not just made me leave my body but nobody can hear me.

I put my hand on my friend's shoulder but it goes right through him.  Oh no, he can't feel me either.  I need to find the Baron.

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