Chapter One- So I'm Dead

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"There was a boy who lived a happy life and loved it very much but hated one thing... Death."

"What the hell where am I" Kobe Saisho shouted "it's so dark it's so cramped" he started to hit whatever he was stuck in. Hit after hit it started to break "yes I'm almost there just one more... something came pouring into the space he was in "I can't breathe I can't, wait I can breathe he started to try and pull himself through the debris and eventually dug his way out. He looked around and saw graves around "I'm in a graveyard" he yelled shocked, it was raining and a little foggy he looked around and saw a stone behind him and engraved on the stone was Kobe Saisho. He couldn't believe it, if he was underground he was in a coffin "so am I dead". He started to observe his body what am I wearing "its quite fancy" looking at the black shirt and pants and his skin "ummm I don't think I am supposed to be green, what happened to me" Kobe thought and thought he eventually started to hit his head on his gravestone "come on come on" as he hit one more time he could feel something wrong on his head and started feeling around and felt a massive scar going down from his forehead "wait now I remember I was doing my job at the grocery store, I ran out a persons shopping to their car over the road but as I ran back I didn't see a truck coming past and it hit me" Kobe said to himself. He fell onto his knees and started to tear up "I... I'm really dead.

Kobe sat next to his grave for awhile with all the information sinking in and thought back on what he said to his friends "there is no death all you have to do is live and nothing else" he shouted at them and lookup into the raining sky "I guess I jinxed myself I couldn't even use my own advice" Kobe said to himself. He started to wonder what he was going to do about his problem, if he went home his family would freak out and shoot him and if he went to one of his friends places the would probably freak out and have a heart attack "what am I going to do, what am I going to do" he started rambling on. He continued to look around and he saw someone at a grave talking to the loved one, CRACK "crap" Kobe misplaced his foot on the coffin and snapped a bit that made the stranger curious. "Hello is anyone there" he called out as he walked over "oh no what do I do he can't see me or the grave or then there will be a big problem" and as Kobe finished talking the stranger taped him on the shoulder from behind "are you ok sir" he asked "Kobe froze "damn it I thought to long and now we have a problem that I didn't want to happen"Kobe said in his mind "sir..." Kobe stood up and was about to run off but was yanked by the stranger which caused Kobe's head to fall off "AHHHH WHAT ARE YOU" the stranger started to scream out. Kobe's body started to walk over and picked up his head and sat it back on without him realising it fell off and looked at the stranger then suddenly lightning struck causing light to shine on Kobe and the stranger fainted once he had a look at him. "I didn't want this to happen" Kobe panicked then turned and ran towards town.

"I finally made it" Kobe was panting and took another look at his greenish hands "hmmm" he then saw a puddle under one of the street lights and used it as a mirror "ah... WHAT YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME" he yelled "my scar it's so big, my face it's also green and my eyes they've turned red" Kobe started to complain. "I gotta hide my face" Kobe said to himself and ran off looking for something to cover his body. He started to scavenge the houses around him "I can't wear any of this there to big" Kobe said to himself as he went threw clothing "wait a minute"... "big clothes would be a good thing they would hide more of the body" Kobe carefully unpegged a big hooded jacket and put it on. " Hey whose there" an voice called out from the house "oh crap better get going" he said to himself. "Hey stop right there thief" a man and his family walked outside and saw him "what were you doing in our yard" the man demanded an answer, Kobe stayed quiet "I asked you a question so answer Me" the man started to raise his voice "I am cold" Kobe answered "I hate to lie but they can't know that I'm a zombie" Kobe thought to himself "why didn't you come and knock on the door then we could of helped you" the man yelled "this counts as trespassing you know that right" the mans wife said "I...I... uhhhhh" He couldn't say anything else and started to run "hey get back here the mans wife screamed "well my new life as a zombie is so far is going downhill I need a home.

Kobe slowly walked threw the town in the pouring rain "at least I got this jacket or I'd be soaked" he looked to his left and saw the high school "that brings back some great memories... I really wanna see them Brayden, Nicholas, Holly, Jarrod, they might be adults or still in school I don't know how long I was berried for ("guys who wants to have a handstand competition with me" Kobe shouted "no thanks Kobe I can't do handstands well and you know I don't like doing things in a crowd" Jarrod told him "Kobe listen if you do one remember to tuck in you shirt when you do it" Brayden told him with a commanding tone "nah I won't do one if no one else wants to it's more fun when it's done with other people" Kobe said with a grin on his face "ok mr smiles you better eat or you will miss out Holly told him that's a good idea cause I can't eat in class anymore" Kobe said and laughed and pulled out a bag of bread rolls "hey Kobe can I have one" Nicholas asked "I have no food today" he continued to speak "Nick you never have food and you say that all the time" Kobe said annoyed "well let's make some characters then for our stories") "they were fun times" Kobe thought back and continued to walk. As he got to the main street he started to look at the buildings he remembered from when he was alive "there's the grocery store I worked at, back then I was the Store's working speed demon" ("takeout register 1" the voice came from the microphone "alright I'm off" Kobe bolted from out the back of the storage area in the shop and out to the front "thanks Kobe" the women at the register replied "here you go I will carry them for you" Kobe told the customer politely "are you sure there is quite a few bags" the customer asked "yeah I will be fine I do this all the time"Kobe replied and picked up the 6 bags and carried them across the road for the customer "thank you" the customer thanked Kobe and ran back over to the store) "I guess I lose my title the stores speed demon" Kobe continued to walk threw town. "I should see if nan still lives here in town" Kobe wondered as he walked down the street towards his Nan's home and thought about when he lived there for some days of the week for work "I hope she left the back door open like she used to" he said worried. Kobe finally arrived and carefully snuck past his nans room "there's Nan's car" Kobe thought to himself thankfully, he slowly went up the steel stairs and slowly opened the glass door "mmnnnn" Nan tossed in bed "I thought my heart was going to stop... wait it already has" Kobe realized, he slowly tip toed up to his room and saw that the heated blanket was on "she must still tell herself that I'm here since I died" Kobe said and wiped his eyes" I'm sorry Nan for going now don't worry I am back I just hope you don't get scared when you wake up in the morning" Kobe got up on his bed and fell asleep.

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