Chapter Four- An Undead Flight

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"Kobe that strange bird keeps harassing my birds" Nan told him "oh I think I know who it is" Kobe walked to the door "hey could you go and fly around and wait till later to do something" it looked at him and flew away "it's been a week since I resurrected the bird and ordered the clothes and mask" Kobe started to talk to himself "hey they have arrived" Nan walked in with the package and opened it and the clothes he bought were all their he reach in and pulled out the top hat and his eyes sparkled looking at it "you like top hats don't you" Nan laughed at him "I don't know why I like them but I bought it for a reason" he explained to her. "I have to tell you something I will move away and build my own house I have figured out how to do something special" he told her "and what would that be" she prodded "nope not telling it's a secret" he laugh "could you take me to get a taxi to go to Sydney" he told her "but where would you go" she asked "I will go to Japan and go to the Mujintō islands I saw on the news that tourists don't go there anymore so I'll go there" he happily said "but how will you get there without a plane or boat "oh... right" he mumbled "I have a plan though I will heading to Darwin in two days to see your aunt so if you do that thing where you pull your self apart I can put you in the suit case and take you there with me then after you can sneak onto a boat to get to your islands". Kobe thought hard about it and came to a conclusion "that's a great Idea but what will you say when they ask what it is and when they check it".

"Miss what is this thing in you bag" a guard asked suspiciously "it's a Zombie manikin, my daughter wants to have it so I'm taking it with me to give it to her" she explained innocently "ok then your free to go" she walked down and put the bag on the conveyer belt and sent it to be put under the plane "what a plan Nan nice work" Kobe said in his head he felt bumps and started to speed up and ran into more bags "alright let's puts these bags on the plane and get it over with then we can go have lunch" some workers talked.

"Attention all passengers it is time for all seatbelts to be fastened as we are about to take off" the pilot spoke over the radio
"What was that I didn't... heeeaaarrrrrr" the plane quickly spend up sending the bag KOBE WAS IN Rolling to the back of the compartment. "It's so comfortable the air conditioner works a great view, meals" wonder how Kobe is doing" Nan talked to herself. Attention all passengers we are about to land please sit down and again fasten your seatbelt and prepare for landing" the pilot spoke "what was that" Kobe asked "oh wait don't tell me" the plane tilted down and landed on the ground "phew glad that is ovvvveerrrr" the plane hadn't slowed down and sent the bag Kobe was in flying to the front of the plane "oh what next..." lots of bags came flying at him piling on top of him "attention passengers you have now arrived in Darwin" the capital told all the passengers "I heard that one" Kobe said miserably.

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