Chapter Five- Set Sail for Mujintō

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"Alright we at the hotel now" Nan said Kobe heard a door open and close and the zipper unzip "Ow that hurt I was crushed by so many bags" Kobe complained "sorry but that was the safest thing to do" Nan told him as she put him back together "ok so now I need to find a boat to take to get to Mujintō "well you better put on the rest your clothes he put on his coat and mask and they walked out of the hotel room to the port. "This town is much different from home it's got bigger buildings even though it's just a small town" Kobe said "I'll ask around and you can go see Aunt now if you want" Kobe asked her "ok then well be safe Kobe and don't get yourself killed" she answered "I can't die well not anymore, see ya Nan" he said as he waved to her goodbye.

"Exususe me do any of these boats head close to Japan" Kobe asked some sailors sitting in their boat "no non of us are but I am pretty sure there are some Japanese sailors over there" they replied back to him "oh thank you" Kobe slowly walked over "ok let see if my damn memory can remember what to say to Japan people "ahhh Sumimasen, mōsugu Nihon ni ikimasu ka" Kobe struggled to say "Sugu ni shuppatsu shimasu" the sailor replied "ummm ahhh I'm sorry but my Japanese isn't to good" he replied annoyed "that's ok we also speak English haha" the sailors laughed. Kobe looked at them and felt annoyed about it but he just laughed along with them "yes we are heading back soon today actually, so you need a lift somewhere" he asked "yes I need to go to Mujintō if that's ok" you are aware those islands are abandoned right" he questioned him "yeah I know they are but that's where I need to go" he answered the sailer firmly "ok then welcome aboard I am Umi the captain of this boat and you are" he introduced himself " I am Kobe It's nice to meat you" he also introduced himself "damnit shouldn't have used my name should've made one up" Kobe said in his head.

"Where heading out now" captain Umi called and the engines started and moved the boat out to sea "so are you wanting to learn Japanese then Kobe" Umi asked "yeah hopefully I can remember it I've had quite a few head injuries so that's probably why my memory doesn't work to well" Kobe replied "yeah I can see the injury's is that why your wearing the mask" Umi questioned "yeah the scars on my head so this is so I can hide them" Kobe answered "well anyway if you want to learn Japanese here" Umi said handing him a book to learn the Japanese language "wait but" Kobe said but got interrupted "read threw it and see if you can learn Japanese in 3 days cause I recon you can do it" he said to him "well then ok I'll learn it in three days.

Kobe started reading he sat in the cabin for most of the trip trying to burn the language into his head "hey we've just about arrived" Umi called out "Dakara anata no mokutekichi wa nandesuka" Umi asked "um I've said it my destination is Mujintō" Kobe answered "haha so it seems you've learnt quite a bit after three days" Zuni congratulated him "yeah I might have fix my memory somehow" Kobe said "probably from the truck that hit me" Kobe said in his head "well I should get going here's some money and thank you for the trip" Kobe happily thanked Umi "wait we'll drop you off" Umi insisted "no thank you my friend I'll be fine I need to do some swimming it's been a while" Kobe explained "Kobe before you go can I see your face" Umi asked "... Ok but don't be scared" Kobe lifted and moved the mask slowly to the side to reveal half his face then he smiled, laughed then jumped off the boat backwards into the water goodbye my friends and thank you". Kobe swam ashore and shook his body "hahahaha I have made it this is the start of something great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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