Chapter Two- A Place to Call Home... For Now

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"Kobe slowly opened his eyes "it's morning that was a good sleep" Kobe sat up and felt something on his lap "oh Po you've gotten big" Kobe patted the cat. He quietly got out of be and walked out to the kitchen "time to see if I can be accepted by nan and not scare her" Kobe thought. Nan was sitting in the lounge room wearing her lounge room gown watching tv with a cup of tea "umm nan" Kobe quietly said behind the wall "Nan jumped up in shock "Noah I didn't know you were here you scared me" Nan replied, Kobe looked down "no nan it isn't Noah you probably won't believe me but it's me... it's Kobe" Kobe told her, Nan stood up "no don't lie Kobe died a few months ago" Nan yelled at him "tell me nan if I come around and show myself and It's me Kobe will you accept me or be scared" Kobe questioned her "If you are Kobe I would be so happy and I wouldn't care if you looked bad I would be happy how you are and that your alive "Nan answered "well here it goes time to see if I am accepted like this" Kobe said in his head "alright Nan are you ready" Kobe walked around the wall into the lounge room and looked at his Nan "well Nan I am here" Kobe announced. She held her hands up to her mouth and tears started pouring out "K...Kobe!", Kobe smiled and ran up to her and gave her a big hug with tears pouring out his eyes "I missed you so much" and both held each other in their arms for awhile.

"Do you want anything for breakfast"Nan asked cheerfully "noodles, fish, toast anything "Nan are you scared of me" Kobe questioned "no why would I be your right here why would I be scared" she replied "Nan the thing is I'm a zombie I don't have a heartbeat and my skin It is green don't I look strange to you" Kobe questioned his Nan "why would I be scared it's just you and... WHAT YOUR A ZOMBIE" Nan shouted with the sudden realization "she didn't even know maybe I should've kept my mouth shut" Kobe thought "and if your a zombie that means your dead and if your dead that means you eat brai..." Nan was silenced by Kobe holding his hand out "I don't wanna think about that I haven't felt the need to do that and I don't think I will I still wanna live a normal life" he told her "but You can't go into public or go to school still or something bad might happen" she stated. She looked at him into his red eyes "yeah your right I can't, it would be bad if people started to panic" he said with acceptance "anyway Kobe I have a late shift so I won't be home till 9.00pm" she told him, she grabbed her bad and went to the door "and Kobe don't go outside" and she left for work. Kobe looked out the window as she drove away Kobe asked himself "what am I supposed to do then" he got up and walked into the kitchen and got a packet of noodles and put them into a bowl and turned on the kettle "Po come here" Kobe called out to the cat but he ran down the hallway "hey come back here" Kobe chased him and just about to grab him he tripped over himself and hitting his head on the floor.

"Ouch that hurt" Kobe said he stood up and found something wrong he was still on the ground "what why am I still on the floor... AHHHH WHAT THE HELL" he screamed as he looked up at his body standing in front of him "wait I'm a zombie so my limbs come apart now I just have to learn how to move my body without my head". He thought hard and moved his body step by step and made it lean over and picked up his head and put it back on "phew that was hard oh Po this is your fault" Kobe said to the cat and walked out and had his breakfast.

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