Chapter Three- Time to live

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"Hey nan I can't keep living like this I need to get out of the house" Kobe complained "listen hear what if someone saw you what would you do if they took a photo and put it on social media what would they see a green skinned person" she scolded him "what if you buy me a mask that way I could get around without people seeing my face" Kobe asked hoping she would agree "what would you do to hide the skin on your body" she questioned "all I would just need a shirt, coat, pants and shoes and probably a mask to hide my face" he told her "ok but what will you do if it all falls apart and someone sees you, who you really are" she continued to argue "I'll just live life normally as if nothing happened... hopefully". "Ok pick something out what you want to wear and I'll buy it" Kobe's Nan asked him, he got excited scrolled threw and found a black jacket to his liking, pants, shoes, shirt, a cool top hat and a wooden mask "ok that's all I need" he said exited "ok you will have to wait a few days until they arrive".

Kobe waited and slept until it was night time he got dressed in the clothes he took and put on the hood so his face would slightly be hidden and snuck out and went for a walk threw town "so I'm guessing that it hasn't been that long since I was hit by that truck and wait they didn't do what I asked there was a question we had to answer on some test or paperwork if you were going to die what would you like done with your body and I wrote cryogenically frozen and I told mum but..." he tripped over something. He looked down and saw something something that he hates trying to control himself without going insane a little bird that was hit by a vehicle "why does this exist all these thing have lives that's why we're here to live not die so why, why does it exist" and he reached down to the bird it got up and flew away "what... just... happened" he looked at his hands and saw a purple aura that resembled a flame "did I just bring it back to life" as he stood back up he started to bounce "haha yes I have a way to reverse death and guess what your not stopping me death". As he walked back to his Nan's home he realised something if I brought people back they..." he felt something on his shoulder it was the little bird from before and it had a massive scar on it from how it died "wait so I don't bring them back fully I bring them back as zombies" and it doesn't want brains or nothing it's just acting like a normal bird" he said "alright so the world probably won't accept zombies into normal life so I have a solution for that problem, I'll built the first of its kind town where the dead can live free and normally, a Zombie Town, alright everyone get ready to live".

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