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Izik couldn't remember where he was from. All he could remember was where he was now. This place had once been called Alphatale. The first AU ever to be born from the original, Undertale. Now it was simply called the Mainframe. That's what his master, Error 404, called it anyway. Izik didn't know why 404 wanted him or where he came from or what his goal was. This, Izik knew, was one of 404's many, many abilities. Mind Manipulation. It allowed 404 to take control of the soul and alter it until he had the perfect servant. Izik was never much of a fighter to begin with so 404 hadn't had to manipulate much to perfect the servant he needed. Just remove a few memories so Izik had nothing to fight for. Even now Izik waited his master's summons as Ink, the Multiversal Creator, spoke with him. "he can be your new pawn. we just need him far away from nightmare and the other bad sanses and since you barely leave this place anyway, it's a win win." Izik looked over to the dead Alpha. "What're they talking about?" The brother of 404 looked over to Izik. "ink brought the destroyer and my brother is keeping him." Alpha replied.


The Destroyer was hung within the master's strings while they waited for him to wake up. "hu-man." Izik heeded his master's call. "Yes, sir?" 404 turned his eylights to chestnut skined guy. "e-rr-or wi-ll be you-r re-spon-sibil-ity w-hen i am n-o-t us-ing him, und-erst-oo-d?" Izik nodded immediately. "Yes 404, sir." The powerful glitch looked pleased and left his two pawns to 'get acquainted'. Izik took the time to observe his new responsibility. Error was a black skeleton with blue lines streaking down, much like his master. This Error though, wore mostly black with a red sweater underneath his black jacket and slippers. Upon closer look, Izik saw that Error's phalanges were red and yellow. He wondered if Error had similar powers to his master or if he was just as crazy. He didn't know. He would have to ask when the glitch woke up. For now... Izik made himself comfortable on the floor of the Mainframe. He would have to wait.


Izik dozed on occasion, sleep was still necessary for survival after all, even if the place you lived was all light and it was hard to sleep in. Error was still unconscious. "What did the Creator do to you..?" Izik wondered outloud. There was nothing there to answer. Alpha was likely following 404, wherever he went. He was likely in another section of the Mainframe, watching and waiting for something to happen. Izik just didn't know what. He closed his chocolate brown eyes and breathed out. Was this his life? This loneliness? This puppet life? He shook his head. He couldn't afford to have those types of thoughts. Even if he were to leave, he'd have nowhere to go. He couldn't remember. "wh-o ar-e-e y-ou?" Izik looked up for his eyes to meet mismatched red, blue and yellow ones. The Destroyer was awake.

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