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For a moment Error wanted to snap at Izik and tell him that it was none of his fucking business but... he kinda needed to get some shit off his chest so.. he took Izik's kind offer. Why the human was being friendly to him, he had no clue. "th-e cre-eat-tor. he wo-on-t st-op thi-s bul-lsh-it a-nd gi-ve me a-a fu-uck-king bre-eak! i do-don-t wa-ant t-to des-str-roy th-e aus... b-but th-ere h-ha-s t-o be a-a bal-lan-nce or e-ever-ery-thi-ing w-wil-ll fa-ll a-pa-art. ever-ythi-ing will b-be gon-e." Error explained, waiting for Izik's skepticism. There was none. "And if you got Ink to stop creating... would you continue to stay by Nightmare's side, knowing that you were free from keeping this balance?" Error blinked, bewildered. He was actually- Error shrugged. "th-ey are li-ike fam-mily. th-ey s-ave-d me. fro-m lone-li-ness. i d-on-t kn-ow if i c-coul-ld a-aban-ndon th-em."


Izik could understand that. He would cling to what he had too, much like he was clinging to Error's attention. He craved whatever attention he could get from the glitch. "Do you think Nightmare would keep you around even if you didn't destroy anymore? All he needs in large amounts of negativity, after all and your presence alone could give that, could it not?" He asked, unsure of how a bad guy's 'family dynamics' worked. "d-dou-bt it.." Error grumbled. Izik thought to give him a comforting pat on the back, but Error didn't seem like a contact person. "Why the Murder Time Trio first?" Error chuckled glitchily. "n-nigh-ight-mare c-can t-take c-car-re of him-self. he-e wou-ld pr-efe-r to ha-ve al-ll hi-s pa-wn-s tog-get-ther in o-ne sp-ot." Izik nodded. "I see." Izik decided not to ask about his own fate. If the King of Negativity was as bad as he's heard, he wasn't going to survive once Nightmare came. He couldn't go through mental torture the way he could with physical torture.


They talked for awhile longer before Error noticed that Izik was desperately trying to stay awake. "y-ou-re not a-a go-d. go t-o sl-ee-p." Error ordered. Izik seemed relieved for the order though he did ask, "Are you sure?" It was like he didn't want to displease Error or something. "y-es, go a-he-ead. i-i ne-ed so-me t-tim-e to my-se-lf any-way." So reluctantly, Izik curled up on the 'floor' of the Anti-Void and Error found himself staring. The guy seriously needed some new clothes. Something to fit his nice complexion. He supposed he could postpone looking for the Murder Time Trio just a little bit longer, because he couldn't just keep his muse in... THAT. "je-ez, di-d 4-0-4 ev-en bo-ther to car-re for th-e hu-man a-si-de fr-om f-oo-d and w-at-er f-or hi-m?" Error grumbled as he chose out colors to make Izik something new to wear. He paused a moment before testing the name out. "iz-ik.." Error kinda liked that name.

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