Nightmare's Castle

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As soon as Nightmare and Sidney disappeared through the portal and it closed, all heads turned to Error. The glitch ignored them though, choosing to think on his observations of the Negative King rather than the staring eyes of literally everyone. "a-a-ama-are... h-ow woul-d y-ou li-i-ike t-to see ou-r ho-me?" Error turned to Izik slowly. "I... don't see why not. I trust your judgment, Error, and Nightmare obviously isn't as he was before. The Queen had changed him for the better. So let's go see that castle." Izik was actually pretty excited about this adventure. He'd always wanted to see the inside of Nightmare's castle. "Will you all be joining us?"
"go home? hell yeah we are!" Dust was already sauntering over to Error, awaiting the portal to the Castle. Lilly was right at Dust's side while Horror and Taylor were also getting up to join the leave group. Killer was the most reluctant. Nobody could blame him, he'd been the most loyal to Nightmare before his change. Rane was there to comfort him though, and eventually, they came over too. "You guys are grown adults. You don't need a babysitter anymore. Have fun and whatever." G waved the group off, ready to have his au to himself again.


The humans of the group gawked at the eerily beautiful castle before them as the boys sighed in relief and happiness. Oh how they'd missed home with its dark purple with cyan swirled patterns and dark artifacts, it WAS quite the sight to behold. "c-co-me. l-et me sh-ow yo-u aro-und." Error gently grabbed Izik's hand, glitching considerably in the process, and guided him as he looked around. "Stars, Erry, it's much nicer than I imagined.." Error chuckled glitchily. "i-i kno-w, n-not as b-ad as on-e wou-ld thi-ink." Izik nodded as Error proceeded to show him everything in the castle. From the bedrooms to the throne room, the kitchen and foyer. The recreational rooms, garden, and even the now empty dungeon. There was so, So, SO much more to see, but the castle was huge and they'd have more time to explore later, but everyone was getting hungry, so Error took Izik to the living room and he and Killer kept the humans company.


"So is Nightmare still your 'King'? He said it was a self proclaimed title, but you still plan to follow him?" Lilly asked what all the humans have been wondering. "... it depends.." Killer replied. "i-i wi-ll, s-so lo-ng a-as he le-av-es yo-u a-l-l be." Killer nodded. "and if we get to make our own choices. i don't want him controlling my emotions... again." Rane hugged Killer close. "I won't allow that, Baby Bear." Everyone was thrown off by the nickname. "Wait- why Baby Bear?" Taylor asked. Rane grinned. "Cause Killer reminds me of a little bear cub, cute but deadly if messed with."
"and by that you must mean that you'll fuck up anyone that messes with him." Horror mused. Rane's grin widened. "Exactly." Izik snickered. "Look who's finally warming up to us, nice of you to join the party, Rane, we missed you." The guy rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, Izik." Izik stuck his tongue out at Rane and Error tried to grab it. Izik yelped and slipped it back in his mouth. "Ok, that was gross to watch." Error chuckled. "p-pro-babl-ly-y won-t be th-e wor-st thi-ing you-ve se-ee-en tho-ugh."
"... true."

3 chapters left

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