Convincing Him

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Izik was watching Error once more. "h-ow lo-ong h-av-e y-you be-ee-en tr-rap-ped he-re fo-r?" Izik shrugged. "For as long as I can remember." Error frowned. "h-ow wou-ld yo-u li-ke t-o-o be fr-eee? i-i c-an f-ree you fr-rom th-this pla-ace." Oh. So he was playing that card. "The master will find us and kill us." Izik replied. "h-e won-t. he does-n-t ca-re if i-i es-ca-pe or no-ot. a-s lo-ng as he-s no-t-t in-vol-ved." Good for Error. "I don't have that same immunity." Izik said carefully. "y-ou wi-l-l if yo-u co-me wi-th me." What did Izik have to lose.. other than his life? "Let me guess, all I have to do is free you." Error grinned. "y-es. th-tha-t is a-ll." Izik hummed. "I'll think about it." Error wanted to tell him off, tell him they didn't have time for this bullshit, but he nodded instead. "t-ake you-r ti-ime."


Think about it Izik did. He could go with Error. He could escape the Mainframe then when Error ditched him, let's face it he was well aware that Error was going to, he could try and make a life for himself wherever he was left. Then there was always the alternative that Error did his job and destroyed Izik. Did it even matter any more if he lived or not? Here he was alone or watching someone until they were killed, then left alone again. It was a sad existence. One, Izik realized, that he didn't really want to take part in anymore. So if he lived another day after leaving with Error, cool. If he died by the Destroyer's hand, that was also ok. But he was going to free the glitch. "Alright Error, but you're going to have to be patient for a little longer, I'll need a weapon." He told Error, who masked his smirk behind a smile. That was to easy! Izik left the room and left Error alone. "h-e wa-s al-mo-st t-o-o ea-sy t-to con-vince." Error muttered under his breath. What if he was tatting to 404 now?


That wasn't the case though. Soon Izik returned with a knife from one of the Chara's and cut Error down. He offered a hand to Error, who quickly denied it and got up himself. "th-ank-s. le-et-s g-go." Error made a portal to Axetale and stepped through, Izik following behind him. Oh. So Error was going to have the residents do the work for him. Very well. "Axetale is a very good choice." Izik decided as Error looked at him in confusion, creating a portal to ditch the ignorant human. "w-wh-at?"

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