Rescue Party

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"So it's finally time, huh?" Izik asked as Error opened the first portal to Asylumtale. It had taken a lot of time to pinpoint a precise location in which to open the portal. Izik would have to be the one to go through, despite Error's fears. They'd practiced dodging for days before now. "if d-ust get-s vi-ole-nt, i'l-l co-me ge-t y-you. i do-n-t ca-re i-f my fr-e-edom i-is fou-nd out i-if i ca-an-t sh-ar-e it wi-ith y-ou."
"I'll be safe, Erry." Izik kissed the glitching Skeleton's face. "Wish me luck!" Error's smile wavered. "g-oo-d lu-ck.." Izik smiled reassuring and jumped through and onto the luminous blue grass. There was a asylum in one direction and Dust was in the other. Error didn't know why. Izik wondered if maybe they'd cured Dust from his insanity. From what Izik heard, he truly was insane. He drew up his hood and started following the route that Error had roughly drawn out. It wasn't long before I found him. He wasn't at the house in Snowdin Error had spoke of, he was at a station in Waterfall, chatting up a girl.


It had thrown Izik off guard. The way they were hanging on each other. So Dust had found love too? "Excuse me. Dust?" The girl sat up. "WHO are you? What do you want." She demanded immediately. "I'm Izik. I want you to come with me." Dust wrapped an arm around the lady, magic sparking in a purple glow. "why would we?" He asked. Izik shook his head. "Not here. Not with others listening." Izik turned and started walking. If they were curious enough, they'd follow. And they did. Dust froze when he saw him hop through Error's portal. "that guy is gonna get himself killed!" He quickly moved to retrieve Izik but the girl stopped him. "Are you sure?"
"yep." Of course, she wasn't gonna let him go alone and when they stepped through... "Nice of you to join the party." Izik grinned as Error opened another portal. "a-am-are, it i-is rea-dy. i-ll sp-eak wi-th d-us-t... an-d th-e gi-rl." Izik sighed. "Alrighty. I'll be back with Killer then." Izik took another map from Error and landed in an alleyway.


Error's watched his Amare leave before turning to Dust who looked shocked and a bit intrigued. "i se-e you-ve ch-an-ged." Error mused. "gr-ee-tin-gs. i a-m err-or, f-for-mer d-ey-str-oyer of a-us." The girl narrowed her eyes. "Former?" Error chuckled glitchily. "y-es, for-mer. i-ve ma-de my pea-ce wi-th i-ink, no th-ank-s to i-izik.." Error looked back to the portal where Izik had disappeared. "that is is his name, the human?" Error nodded. "i a-m tr-ying t-to gat-ther ou-r fam-ily b-ack to-geth-er. it se-ems to b-be exp-pand-ing, th-ough. no-t th-at it mat-ter-s to me a-any."


Izik watched Killer and another human move furniture into a house. It was clear that they were together, seeing the nearly constant blush on Killer's face. Oh, and the piggyback he was receiving. Would he, they, even want to go back? Error was different obviously and Izik didn't mind the Anti-Void, but it likely wouldn't be a home for the likes of the Murder Time Trio. "Hey gentlemen? Could you come with me a sec? A friend of mine wants to talk to you." The man stopped and looked down at the recliner he was hauling into the house. Then he looked at Killer. He seemed to be the strong silent type. Or perhaps he was just that way around strangers. "... i.. guess.." Killer agreed wearily. The man put down the recliner and they followed Izik off to the alleyway, stopping at the entrance. "Don't worry, it's not much further. He's unarmed and so am I." Izik pulled at his pockets. "why should we trust you?" Killer asked, weary. "You're a ex-murderer. You could kill me before I could try ANYTHING." So they followed for a little longer, until they saw him go through the portal. "that's..." Killer jumped off his boyfriend and followed Izik through, the guy following his lover.


"so wait, you are really going against nightmare?" Dust asked as the three came through. "i w-ill i-f i mu-st." Error replied grimly, only to be snapped out of it as Izik spoke up. "I'm back~" Error grinned. "y-ou-re do-ing gr-eat, ama-re.." Error praised, as Izik kissed him. The two Skeletons jaws dropped. "Time to get Horror." Izik reminded Error. "i-m sc-scar-red. i do-n-t wa-nt hi-m h-hur-rtin-g y-ou.." Izik patted his skull, Error tried to swat him away. Izik escaped easily. "I'll be ok, Erry. We trained a long time for this, I can finish it off with a bang." Error complained, but Izik wasn't hearing any of it and finally got him to open the last portal. "I'll be back, safe and sound." He promised as he walked though. "yo-u bet-ter be.."


They stared at Izik as he walked around a corner and nearly ran into them. So now they were staring at each other. Until finally, "you carry error's scent." Horror said. "Error is gathering everyone." Izik replied, slightly weirded out that he was carrying out a conversation with a ex human eater. "but not for nightmare." Izik shook his head. "Nope." The guy beside Horror decided to introduce himself. "Hey man! I'm Taylor!"
"Izik, a real pleasure. C'mon boys, this way!"

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