Don't Touch Me

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Error had dutifully started with the knitting of a shirt for Izik while the human slept peacefully, or so he assumed anyway, in a hammock of strings that Error may or may not have made for him. All he wanted was for his toy to last, that's what he kept telling himself. There was no sentimental attachments, those were stupid and unnecessary if you KNEW that it wasn't going to last, and Izik wasn't. Once Nightmare was back in the picture, Izik would just be another pawn for him to break. That was how it was supposed to be. Anything outside of their little group was the enemy. Izik was one of the outsiders. Error huffed, getting conflicted. But if that was the case, then what was the point of making him clothes and bothering with him, that was more than making his toy last, Izik had lasted with 404 and he clearly had barely taken care of the human. Error sighed glitchily. Things just got so much more complicated. Error was going to have to choose now, wasn't he? The dysfunctional little family he'd come to enjoy spending time with, or the human toy who didn't seem to care whether he lived or died.


Izik woke up... on a blue stringy hammock. "... this is a thing now.." Error must've made it for him to sleep comfortably. Izik couldn't help but blush at the kindness. "Error..? Thanks for the- Error?" The glitch seemed troubled, and very deep in his thoughts. "Error." Izik set a hand on Error's shoulder to shake him out of it. He wasn't expecting Error to shriek and slap his hand away, hyperventilating. He seemed to have triggered Error into a panic attack. "Woah, woah! I'm sorry!" Error couldn't muster up a reply. "I won't touch you again, I swear. I wasn't aware that you were haphephobic." He waited, unsure of what he could do to help other than not touch him. "d-d-d-d0-n-t d0 1t a-a-9a-1n, n-n3-3v-3-3r d-0 1t a-a9a-1n.." He stuttered repeatedly. "I won't." Izik eased. Slowly, very slowly, he calmed down. How he didn't crash, neither boy knew. "I'm sorry." Izik apologized again. Error grunted. "... i-it-s bee-e-een so-ome-thi-ng i-ve b-ee-n w-wan-nt-ing to ge-t o-ve-r f-for a wh-ile now.." Error murmured. "Maybe we can work on it slowly?" Izik suggested.


Error looked at the human. "h-ho-w do y-ou s-su-gg-est th-tha-at?" Izik hummed, trying to think of how to explain. "We can start with small pokes every once in a while until you get used to that. Then pats until you get used to that. We can just keep building up until you're ok with physical contact." Error hummed. "i-t so-ound-s... lo-ogi-cal.." With that, Izik gave him a gentle poke, to which he made the most attractive of 'eeps' and glitched. Izik blushed a little while Error scowled. "w-wha-at w-as th-at for!?"
"The start of your road to recovery. I poked you." Izik replied. "i-i fe-lt-t it! wh-y n-ow?" Error hissed. "You'll try and stop me if you know when your going to be poked. It has to be random." Izik explained, making Error grumble. "You called it logical, I took that as the go ahead." Izik poked him again making Error make another discomfort sound. It was going to be a long road to recovery.

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