Part One: Smooth As Usual

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September 3, 2020
6:00 AM
Tokyo, Japan
(Touka's POV)
Jesus I hate waking up this damn early. I turned off my alarm that had awoken me from my sleep with it's annoying beeping. Looking outside my window it was extremely foggy. That's pretty weird considering it's still September. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes before walking over to my fridge. I scarfed down two meat packets before going on to ready myself for the day. After showering, drying off and dressing myself I put on some basic makeup. Once done with that I slipped on my shoes and my backpack. Looking at the time on my phone I still had some free time before it was time to leave. Might as well make some coffee. As soon as I finished making it, the time for me to leave arrived.

With haste I poured the coffee into a thermos and went on my way. My first class of the day was English. I hated English class. For some reason it just bored me to death. This class seemed to move by the slowest."Alright today class, we're not gonna be doing any work we're just taking notes." My professor spoke out as everyone pulled out something to take notes with."Today I'll be asking you all a question about the story we finished reading last week, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka." That story was weird but somehow I related to it. Especially the main character Gregor and his feeling of isolation."Now the question I have for you all is, is the way Gregor's family treated him ethical? Don't say anything, write down what you think on your notes and turn it in on google classroom."

What?! They treated him horribly! I mean he did turn into a cockroach but that doesn't change anything. He was still their family member who they treated like some rabid beast. Even though they knew it was their family member, he was different from them which scared them. Even though I hate literature this is my favorite book. Quickly I typed out how I felt on the question on my laptop. By the time I finished the bell signaling my class was over, rung. Quickly everyone packed up and headed out. I planned on doing so but my professor called me aside."Ms. Kirishima I'd like to talk to you about your grade in this class." Oh crap. Am I failing? I don't think I am. I think."Y-Yes?"

"Well I'd like to say I'm very proud. You started off the year with a rather rough grade in this class but you've managed to push it all the way up to the best grade in the class." The best grade in the class? In ENGLISH?! Kaneki would probably laugh hearing that knowing how much I hate it. "Thank you sir. Well I have to get going to my next class. Again, thank you." With that I scurried off to my next class. The rest of my classes went pretty smooth as usual. After finishing all my classes came lunch. I sat alone on top of the building where no one would find me, considering no one comes up here. I quickly ate a meat packet before taking a sip from a water bottle I got from a vending machine. Looking out into the city, the fog had risen leaving parked cars wet and damp. Dark heavy clouds covered the sky blocking out the sun. God I love this weather. Once I finished up eating I threw away my trash and made my way home.

As soon as I stepped through the door, little Hinami tackled me with a tight hug."Hey Hinami how's your day been?" I asked hugging her back."Pretty boring honestly. I've run out of books to read so there's really not much to do. Oh but I did clean up the house while you were gone!" She exclaimed proudly with hands on her hips along with a smile. Looking around I noticed the house was sparkly clean."Wow you actually did. I'm proud of you dummy." I said whilst ruffling her hair."Alright we can watch a movie up in my room in a few but I have to go shower first." Her eyes seemed to light up with excitement hearing me bring this up. Finally, the shower.

One of my favorite parts of the day. The warm steamy water is always relaxing especially after a long day. After stripping myself from my dirty clothes I tossed them in my laundry hamper. I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to just the right amount of heat. A sigh of relaxation escaped my lips. Damn I'm tired. Hopefully I don't fall asleep watching that movie with Hinami. I quickly washed my hair and body before hopping out and drying off. Well since I'm not going out anymore today might as well get into something comfy. I threw on a hoodie and some shorts before letting Hinami in my room. We sat on my bed and proceeded to watch the movie Hachi on Netflix. Before I knew it my eyelids grew heavy and slowly shut. My dreams nowadays usually tended to be of that one night.

The night when Kaneki left. I don't know why but I just sat there silently as he walked off. Why didn't I say anything? Why didn't I reach for him? Why didn't I tell him how I feel? It's too late now. That bastard is gone with the Aogori. Even if I miss him I can't let these annoying ass feelings drag me down. The sound of Hinami knocking on my door woke me up."You can come in." I spoke out from under the covers."Onee-Chan do you think you could take me to a book signing?" I groaned not wanting to leave the warm comforting feeling of my blankets."Sure just let me get ready for the day." She happily skipped out of my room, closing the door behind her. Oh crap it's the weekend. I just realized. Maybe I should do something with Yoriko I haven't hung out with her in awhile. After washing my face and brushing my teeth I went and got dressed. My outfit consisted of some black overalls that went over a white sweater with some black vans.

With that Hinami and I were on our way to the book signing."So what author is it that's doing a signing?" I asked as we walked down towards the bookstore."It's just some old author Onii-Chan use to like." Of course. Eventually we arrived only to see a long line into the bookstore. It was for the signing."I'll stay here in line and you can go look around inside." Hinami said and I shrugged at the offer before walking inside. After looking around a little my eyes landed on a certain book. The Black Goat's Egg. Jesus Kaneki loved that book. I wonder why? Maybe I should give it a read. My eyes then caught a glimpse of something that immediately broke my train of thought. In the line stood an average height man with white hair. Is it him?

Quickly I moved closer to get a better look only to be disappointed seeing it was not. Not only was it not Kaneki, the person wasn't a man they were a girl. God I need to move on already. But why is it so damn hard? Looking back to the book shelf I was once at I picked the book I had been pondering about. I went and found Hinami who had gotten her book signed before paying for mine."What book did you get Onee-Chan?" She asked in her usual sweet voice as we walked back to my place."Oh just some old book I thought I'd like." I handed it over to her so she could look at it."Oh I love this book. Onii-Chan use to love it to, I remember he helped me read the kanji all the time." Damn it. At this point I wish I had never even met him.

Maybe I wouldn't have gone through all of this if that bastard had just never showed up at Anteiku. Once we got back to my house we ate some breakfast which consisted of the usual meat packets along with some coffee."Onee-Chan why haven't you gone out lately?" Hinami asked taking a sip of her warm beverage."Oh well uhm I've been really busy with school work so I haven't gotten the chance really." I said tucking some hair behind my ear."You should go hangout with your friend Yoriko." Speaking of Yoriko my phone buzzed from a text notification.
Yoriko:Hey are you busy this weekend?
Touka:No I'm free this weekend, wanna hangout?
Yoriko:Yeah I was gonna ask, what should we do? :)
Touka:How about we go eat at that coffee place I use to work at tomorrow then after we can go shopping
Yoriko:Damn I haven't gone shopping with you in forever, well it sounds like a plan Ms. Kirishima
"Was that Yoriko?" Hinami asked as I set my phone aside."Yeah we just planned a little hangout tomorrow. You're gonna be home alone alright?" She nodded before chugging the rest of her coffee. Night eventually came and passed like usual. I'd fall asleep and have a nightmare about Kaneki. Once morning came and I woke up I got a text from Yoriko asking what time we should meet up. I proceeded to tell her in and a hour and a half. I quickly got ready for my small hangout with my best friend. I did my skin care routine before putting on a gray turtleneck with some black jeans followed by my black vans. Shortly after doing so I made my way to Anteiku which was a short walk. There I waited for my friend to arrive.

She then showed up right on time. We hugged before sitting down and ordering some coffee. We chit chatted for a while and caught with each other."You know Touka you should do something different with your hair." Yoriko spoke out as she twirled a strand of hers."Why does it look bad the way it is?" I asked chuckling a little."No no no that's not it. It's just you've had that hairstyle since you were like fourteen. Don't you think you should at least change it up a little?" I mean she is right."I guess you're right, but what should I even do with it?" Yoriko quickly pulled up her phone and scrolled through it. Eventually she showed me style she found on Pinterest. It didn't look half bad."What's it called?" I questioned."It's called a wolf cut. I think it'd look good on you." Yeah whatever we'll see about that.

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