Part Nine:Something Special

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December 26, 2021
7:01 AM
Ginzan Onsen, Japan
(Third Person)
Touka woke up in bed feeling warm and cozy. Looking up slightly she was met by the face of her new lover, Y/N. His arms were carefully enveloped around her. She examined his sleeping face which she found quite adorable. The past two days she had spent with him were almost dream like. The first night they went on a small coffee date at a nearby cafe, while on the second night they star gazed.

To make things even better he treated her so well. All she wanted to do was spend time with him.Carefully she slipped away from his embrace without awaking him. Feeling a little dirty she went to the bathroom to wash up. As she washed up memories from last night flashed through her head.
"Hurry up dummy! I wanna look at the stars!" Touka said whilst laughing as she climbed the roof of the hotel along with Y/N. He was a little surprised with the way she was acting considering usually she was quiet and reserved. He laughed a little as he followed behind her."Hold on dude you're a bit quicker than I am." He exclaimed before she groaned and gave him a hand and helped him up the last bit. Once up they laid down on the rooftop which was covered by a thick layer of snow.

Since there weren't any large cities nearby the sky was littered with stars."I've never seen this many. It's so beautiful." Touka said looking up at them with her beautiful ocean blue eyes."Oh I think I see a constellation!" She excitedly pointed up at the stars."Ah you're right. That's the Big Dipper. Have you ever seen this many stars Touka?" She shook her head no."I haven't been outside of Tokyo that much so I've never really gotten the chance. It's all so mesmerizing."

There was a long moment of silence. It wasn't an awkward one, it was rather comfortable if anything. Getting a little bored of the sky, Touka rolled onto her right side to face Y/N. She propped her head up with one hand while the other rested on her boyfriend's chest. She laid a gentle and passionate kiss on his lips. As the woman atop him did so he cupped her cheeks whilst kissing back. Annoying her a little he pulled away.

"Keep kissing me you idiot." She said while pulling him by his jacket."You're gonna have to catch me first." He said before swiftly running away and off the roof."That damn bastard." She then proceeded to chase after him. She scanned the surrounding area which happened to be nothing but woods. To her surprise a snowball hit her directly in the back of the head, a chuckle from Y/N followed."Ooh you're dead now."

Touka proceeded to pick up some snow and prepared to throw the ball at the man but he was now nowhere to be seen."Crap where'd he go?" She spoke out loud."Behind you." Quickly she was pulled down into the snow. She squealed as she fell down into the powdery snow with her boyfriend. He laughed while she pouted."No fair you hid the entire time." Y/N rolled his eyes before throwing his hands up and saying in a monotone voice,"Ahhh you caught me. You win." "Shut up you bastard." Quickly she pinned him down before continuing to kiss him.
(End Of Flashback)
Touka chuckled a little remembering all of that. Once she finished washing up she dried off and did her skincare routine and brushed her teeth. When she finished she threw on a white v-neck t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Quietly she exited the bathroom and crawled onto the bed. She gently nudged Y/N who was still asleep. His eyes slowly opened."Morning." She said in a soothing tone as she straddled herself on his lap. He cracked a tired smile before saying,"What're you up to?"

She carefully laid herself on his chest and propped her head up with one hand."Just thought I'd wake you up and spend a little time with you before we go over to your mom and Hinami's room to open presents." The position she laid in doubled with the white v-neck she was wearing gave Y/N a perfect view of her cleavage."Oi what're you lookin at perv!?" She said hiding her chest and blushing.

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