Part Two: Fishy

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September 10, 2020
8:47 AM
Tokyo, Japan
(Touka's POV)
The bell for second period rang finally. Today feels like it's going by slower than usual. As I made my way to class a couple groups of girls were huddled up and whispering. Wonder what that's about. After making my way through the halls I made it to my class. I found my seat and waited for the professor to begin. Slowly the class filled with more and more students before the teacher finally spoke up."Good morning class. Today I'm not having you doing anything. So if you have something from another class to work on please do so. Also I'd like to welcome a new transfer student who has just arrived on campus. May you stand up?" Near the front row of seats a really tall guy stood up."Mr. L/N it's a pleasure having you here. You may sit." They shook hands before he sat back down. I couldn't really see well from where I was but he looked American. I didn't have anything to do for my other classes so I decided to read.

Class went on but something about that new student was stuck on my mind. Something was different about him. Once class ended I walked to my next period and passed the new student, and caught his aroma. Ghoul. He's a ghoul. Crap this isn't good. What if he's not as quiet with his hunting? Will he attract more attention here? Hopefully not but he's not my problem right now so I shouldn't worry. Just as usual my day went on but it felt different. It felt as if I was being watched. Wanting to get home as soon as possible I decided to take a cab."Oh Onee-Chan you're home early." Hinami said as I came through the front door entering my house."Yeah I decided to take a cab. Oh and Hinami a new ghoul just got to our ward. He's not from here so I don't know what he's like so if you ever have to go out be careful."

She nodded before I ruffled her hair. I went up to my room and closed my door behind me. Opening up my backpack I took out my laptop and began to start my homework. Luckily all I have to do today is Calculus homework. Math is probably my strongest subject considering how easy it is. A good two hours passed before I finished my homework. As I ran a hand through my hair I sighed. I can't wait till this college crap is over. By then hopefully I'll have my own cafe to run. Hopefully Kaneki will come back by then. Getting up I left my room and went to Hinami's. Gently I knocked on her door."You can come in." So I entered. She sat in her bed, legs crossed, reading a book."I was wondering if you would like some coffee." She thought for a moment before saying,"Yeah coffee sounds pretty good right now. Thanks Onee-Chan."

I nodded before exiting her room. Heading downstairs I found that we were out of coffee grounds. Crap. I don't feel like going out right now, I'll just head out in the morning."Oi Hinami-Chan! We're out of coffee grounds so I'll just head out tomorrow morning to get some!" I yelled up the stairs."Okay that's fine!" She yelled back. Feeling a bit hungry I pulled a meat packet from the fridge and took it up to my room where I then proceeded to eat it. Sometimes while I eat I wonder what it's like to eat human food. I've asked Kaneki a few times before what it tastes like. What I really wish I could try is cake. He made it sound so good the way he described it. A text from Yoriko then caused my phone to buzz.
Yoriko:Hey do you think we could hangout next weekend? I was thinking maybe we could have a Christmas movie marathon at my place
Touka:Yeah that actually sounds pretty fun maybe on Saturday
Yoriko:Yeah sure sounds that fun I guess I'll see you then
Talking to her reminded me of the conversation we had. Should I do something different with my hair? Well I do still have some time to go out so might as well. I then proceeded to walk to my local salon."Welcome! Are you looking to get your hair cut or styled?" A lady asked as I entered."Oh uhm I'm looking to get it styled." With a big smile that made me kinda uncomfortable she patted a seat."Here sit down. Now is there a specific style you'd like." Crap Yoriko you better be right about this."Uhm a wolf cut."

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