Part Five: Friends

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October 10, 2021
5:30 AM
Tokyo, Japan
(Third Person)
Y/N the other night found himself falling asleep on the couch of his living room. Meanwhile in his room two women slept in his bed. His alarm that was set on his phone rang as he had decided to wake up early to go for a run. Groggily he got up and stretched his back. Quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up, he slipped on some shoes and hoodie before leaving the house. He put AirPods in his ears before playing one of his favorite songs called Electric Relaxation. As he jogged his lungs burned. He loved it. It made him feel alive, especially this early in the morning. Cold air hit his face as he cut through the early morning fog. Once he finished his three mile run, he felt drained."I need to start running more."

He thought to himself as he chugged a water bottle. Before going up the stairs he slipped off his shoes. Tiredly he walked himself to his bathroom where he took a steamy hot shower. When he finished he dressed himself in a hoodie and some sweatpants. Looking at his phone, it said it was thirty minutes after six. Deciding to just relax he picked up a comic book called The Crow. Y/N related heavily to the protagonist Eric Draven. The protagonist who was murdered by a gang along with his fiancé was given a second chance to get revenge on those who took away his life and brought back from the dead by a supernatural crow.

Memories flashed through Y/N's head remembering what had happened back home in the US. Him and his girlfriend had gone out on a date, but little did they know three investigators were following them. They had been tasked to take him out after he had been recently spotted feeding on someone. The three investigators didn't know who the girl that was with him but assumed she was a ghoul. As soon as the three attacked Y/N attempted to defend himself along with his girlfriend, who happened to be human. In almost an instant she was killed by the investigators.

He then let his guard drop and was critically injured by the three ghouls. Finished with their task they left him for dead clinging to his lover's deceased body. He cursed at himself for being weak as he felt his body slowly lose function. As his vision slowly faded out he heard a familiar voice yell out his name. His mother. She quickly fed him a piece of meat to speed up his healing. So many thoughts ran through his head as his body slowly healed itself. One thought really stuck out to him, revenge.

"In order to get revenge I need to get stronger." He thought to himself. The CCG only fueled his anger by covering up his lover's death by saying it was a ghoul attack that killed her. On his journey to get stronger he heard from an older ghoul that cannibalism could mutate his kagune and make it stronger. Y/N hated the thought of eating another ghoul but it was his only option. He decided to hunt after binge eaters. They were always trouble anyways so might as well get rid of them he thought. Months passed by before he completed his journey of getting stronger.

His kagune mutated into something fascinating. Thick black armor that covered the entirety of his body while his face was covered by a bird-like mask. It resembled a crow. Now that he was strong enough he started targeting investigators. Every night he'd go out and pick one off. He'd mercilessly mutilate their bodies and leave them out for display for the public. Y/N became a hero-like figure for ghouls in his hometown. They'd refer to him as The Crow. As CCG investigator deaths rose, so did their presence in his hometown. Eventually he had been figured out.

Him along with his mom just barely managed to escape their home before it was surrounded by CCG members. His mother knew someone who was able to hide them for awhile. The family of two knew they wouldn't last long if they stayed in the US considering the American CCG knew who they were. Y/N's mom happened to have a ghoul friend in Japan. They decided on moving there.

They stayed at that friend's house until they could get back on their feet. Y/N regretted his actions. He thought it was foolish of himself to seek out revenge. He acted out purely based on emotions. He didn't think all of it through. All he wanted was revenge. Now look where that got him. Although he hated himself for doing this all, he learned and matured from it. He learned to never act out on emotions, but to step back from whatever situation he was going through and think about it rationally.

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