Part Four: Hiding

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October 9, 2021
6:47 PM
Tokyo, Japan
(Y/N's POV)
Rainy. It's so damn rainy today. I sat at my desk that rested up against my window. Looking out at the rainy street below I spotted that purple haired girl. She was walking with a younger girl. Maybe they're related or something. I think Touka was her name, or at least that's what it said on her name tag the last time I went to that cafe. Anyways I wonder what those two are up to especially out in the rain. Meh that's none of my business though. Getting up and away from my desk I stretched my back. Jesus I need to get out more. It's been awhile since I've actually had friends.

Back home I use to have a whole friend group, but now I have nothing. All thanks to me. Maybe I could be friends with Touka. Na, I think she still hates me for whatever reason. Hopefully I make some friends soon. It sucks being lonely. Especially with this depressing ass weather. Maybe I'll just go for a drive to clear my mind. I got into some warm clothes, grabbed my keys and went on my way. As soon as I stepped out the cold air hit me like a pile of bricks. I slid a cassette tape into the car stereo. The first song to come on was Jazz (We've Got). Driving in the rain is always nice and relaxing. Especially alone.

As I was stopped at a red light, I saw Touka and the little girl go down an alleyway. I guess they didn't see that two CCG investigators were hot on their tail. I think she'll be able to handle herself I thought as I began to drive off. But my gut was telling me to go back. So I listened. I parked next to the alley before putting on my hood. I then exited my car and stepped out into the rain. Quickly I moved down the alleyway to find that the two girls had been cornered by the investigators."The rabbit huh. I thought you'd be a tougher fight." Touka looked badly injured. Crap this isn't good. I proceeded to let out my Kagune before leaping up into the air.
(Touka's POV)
My stomach felt like there was a hot iron being pressed against it as blood poured from my wound."Give up the girl and maybe we'll think about letting you live." A dove said as I coughed up blood."Go to hell you bastard!" I yelled before getting kicked in the face."God you're weak." Weakly I got up and put myself in between them and Hinami. They'll have to kill me before they get to her."The rabbit huh. I thought you'd be a tougher fight." One of the investigators then set his blade like quinque up against my throat. I guess this is it.

God, well if there is one, please take care of Hinami. Before I knew it a shadowy figure leaped up into the air above the two investigators. His kagune was weird. They looked like two large blades sprouting from the underside of his wrist. Also is his body covered in armor? Is that a kakuja? As I thought that the investigator that had been once holding the quinque was cleanly sliced in half. Blood splattered in all directions. This gave me the chance to get up and cover Hinami with my body. Sadly I couldn't help, my body was too weak."You piece of trash animal!" The investigator picked up the other's quinque and began swinging violently at the kakuja.

He attempted to chop at the ghoul's kagune leaving his torso open for an attack. Quickly the ghoul slashed the investigator's stomach. I watched as the dove dropped to the ground squirming and screaming in pain. Before I knew it the ghoul pinned the investigator down before taking a large bite from the man's throat. He proceeded to choke to death on his own blood and lack of oxygen. Poor Hinami was still crying into my chest. I stroked her head and hushed her. The kakuja then walked towards us. Shit."Please just let us be-"

I was then interrupted by him offering me his hand. His mask weirdly dissolved along with his armor. No way. It's that damn American. I pulled my hand away before another burning hot pain shot through my stomach."Come with me, you're hurt." He spoke in a surprisingly soft tone."H-How do I know I can trust you?" I questioned as I gripped my stomach in pain."I saved you didn't I? Now the both of you come before you bleed out." Hinami gave me a worried look."It's worth a shot." I told her before she nodded and gripped my arm. The guy helped me up and threw my arm around his shoulder.

We eventually made it to his car where he sat Hinami and I in the back seat."Take us to Anteiku. That cafe I work at." He then shook his head no. Where is this bastard taking us?"Did you guys just leave there?" "Yeah we did what about it?" He sighed before rubbing his eyes."It's not safe then. They must've followed you from there all the way to that alleyway. They'll surely be waiting for you there. I'll take you to my place, my mom and I will help you two out there." Ugh this bastard reminds me of the manager. He's too nice. After what felt like five minutes we stopped. He helped yet again but this time out of the car. His house looked nice and pretty expensive. Once inside he called out to his mom but in English.

A woman came rushing down that stairs looking weird."Who are they?" She asked as she scanned us from head to toe."A friend. They were attacked by investigators, this one needs help ASAP." His mom seemed to think for a moment before saying,"Alright I'll get her on the couch, go get the medical kit." He nodded before he handed me off to his mother. I watched as he quickly rushed up the stairs. The woman laid me on my bad on the couch. Damn why isn't this wound healing?"What's your name?" She asked me as she inspected my wound."T-Touka K-Kirishima."

Her voice is really soothing and her Japanese is surprisingly really good."That's a beautiful name. Now when my son comes down we're gonna use some alcohol to disinfect the wound, it's gonna hurt a lot so I'm gonna need you to stay strong." Fuck this sucks. Just as she finished speaking that guy came down with a medical box. He opened it and pulled out a bottle of what I assume was whiskey."Y/N come here and hold her hand." Y/N, huh, that's an interesting name. He then took my hand in his. His hand felt warm and blistered.

Before I knew it a searing hot pain shot through my body as his mom poured the alcohol on my wound. I couldn't help but scream out in pain. Quickly she wiped the wound clean."This wound isn't gonna heal by itself. It was from a quinque. I'm gonna have to stitch it up." Y/N proceeded to pull out a weird looking needle and thread."This needle was made from a bit of my kagune so it'll puncture your skin no problem." I think he noticed the worried look on my face because he then said,"Don't worry I'm practically a pro at this. Sorta." This bastard.

He counted down from three before sticking the needle in. The pain was manageable. I looked away as he sutured my wound shut. Hinami did the same probably not wanting to watch. After ten minutes of waiting he eventually finished."Alright we're finished here. You're free to stay as long as you need." His mother spoke out."Mom they may need to stay longer. The CCG may still be out there looking for them. It isn't safe sending them back to their home."

He was right. For all I know there's investigators already at my house."Alright, they can take your room for now. If you two ladies need anything please tell me." Y/N then helped me up off the couch and up the stairs. Hinami followed us close behind."Thank you." I said as we walked down a hall."Don't mention it. Your name is Touka isn't it?" I nodded yes as we entered a room which is assume is his.

"It's a pretty name. Alright for now just get some rest so your wound can heal properly. Would you like any food or coffee?" He questioned. Both Hinami and I's stomachs growled."I'll take that as a yes. I'll be back with some food and coffee." With that he left the room. Hinami wiped tears away from her eyes."You're alright Hinami we're safe now. We're just gonna have to stay here because doves are gonna be looking for us."

She nodded before taking a seat on a chair. Looking around I noticed how neat his room was. In one corner sat a shelf of books. Heh I guess he's a nerd like Kaneki. In another corner up against a window sat a desk. On that desk were some text books and papers. Holy shit! One of the text books says Math fifty five. That course is like extremely hard. Jesus this guy must be really smart. Feeling a bit drowsy I sat on the bed. It was super comfy. Carefully I laid down on my my back slowly sinking into the marshmallow-like bed. Slowly, my eyes shut.
(Third Person)
As the now tired Touka was out asleep on the bed Y/N was making some coffee."Y/N it was very kind of you to bring them here, but also very dangerous. We don't know who's looking for them." As he waited for the water to boil he responded,"I know but I couldn't just leave them. I did what I felt was right and saved them." His mother sighed before patting his back.

"You're a good kid Y/N. Just don't get carried away trying to protect others like last time. Look where that got us." He nodded in agreement. He then readied the coffee and poured it into two cups. After that he prepared some flesh on two plates. He then carried the two beverages and meals to the two hungry and tired women who took over his room.

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