Part Eight:Vacation

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December 22, 2021
9:22 PM
Tokyo, Japan
(Y/N's POV)
About a month has gone by since Touka and I had gone out that one night. Like I thought the CCG presence in my area has skyrocketed. I think they wanna make sure it's me first before they do anything. I just need to keep all of them safe. Even if it means I'll get killed I need to keep them safe. A knock on the front door then interrupted my train of thoughts. A knock on the door at this hour is strange. I opened the front door cautiously, expecting an investigator only for my eyes to meet a brightly dressed man.

"Ah hello! Is there a Ms. Kirishima staying here?" Crap who the hell is this guy? Getting a good whiff of him I could already tell he's a ghoul."Wrong house pal." I said before attempting to close the door. Before I could do so the man put his foot in the doorway."Listen, before we have an issue I'd suggest you leave." A set of footsteps were then heard behind me."What's wrong Y/N?" Touka asked before seeing the man in the doorway. She immediately almost seemed angry.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked the man whilst moving me out of the way."Well you see my dear Kaneki and I have gotten into an argument and now I don't know where he is. Do you perhaps know?" I watched as she rolled her eyes,"No I don't and I couldn't give two shits about that guy to begin with so get the hell out of here Shuu." With that she slammed the door in his face."Wow." I said laughing a little."What? I absolutely hate that bastard." Hm, do they know each other."Do you guys know each other?" I questioned as I now locked the door and walked into the kitchen.

Touka followed."Yeah he use to be a regular at the cafe I worked at. But he's dangerous and an annoying asshole." Who was the other guy they were talking about?"What about the other guy you guys were talking about?" That seemed to put her down a little. Crap maybe it's a touchy subject."Oh that asshole. He was a friend who worked with me who joined a ghoul gang to get stronger. I hate him for that." Sounds rough, maybe I shouldn't have asked.

Well it's too late now."I'm sorry to hear that. Well is there anything you wanna do today?" I asked trying to change the subject."I don't know honestly. I spent all night studying so I'm pretty tired." My mom then entered the room interrupting our conversation."Y/N I got a surprise for us." Hm wonder what is?"What is it?" "We're going on vacation. Since it looks like the CCG is hot on our tail we're gonna head off somewhere for a little and lay low."

Looking over at Touka she looked a little nervous."Uhm I don't wanna sound rude, but what'll happen to us?" She asked."Well you can come with us of course. Unless you have some place that isn't being spied on by the CCG." That seemed to relieve her a little. But where the hell are we gonna be going."We're gonna be heading to, Ginzan Onsen. It's a small town with hot springs. It should be a nice secluded place to lay low." Never heard of the place. Is this a good idea?

Hopefully we don't get followed."How do we plan on getting there? We all won't fit in my car." I questioned."We're taking a train of course. We're leaving on Tuesday early morning so have your bags packed. It'll be cold so pack warm clothes." Both Touka and I nodded before going to the stairs."I guess this'll be sorta fun." I said as we both walked up the steps."What do you mean?" She asked, stopping and leaning against the stair railing.

"Like we won't have to worry about the CCG on our tail all the damn time. It'll give us a chance to lose them and just maybe relax a little." I said as I stopped leaning against the railing across from her."Yeah hopefully. I hate always being on edge, wondering when the CCG will just burst through the door and take us away. Hey maybe there'll be snow, it'd be nice to throw a snowball at your annoying face." Jesus this girl."I'd like to see you try eggplant head. Now go get your clothes packed." I said before ruffling her hair and heading up into my room.

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