Part Six: Something To Do

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October 17, 2021
1:24 PM
Tokyo, Japan
(Y/N's POV)
A few days had passed since the two girls had arrived out my home. They were extremely polite with everything they did. Although Touka grew a bit more comfortable as we became a little closer as friends."Hey Y/N do you think you could go and grab me some things from my house?" She asked poking her head into the guest room that was I was clearing out. We had up to now used it for storage but I'm tired of sleeping on the couch so might as well get myself a better place to sleep."Sure what like clothes?" She nodded before saying,"Yeah I just need my clothes and backpack. While you're there don't even think of snooping around, I'll beat the crap out of you if I find anything slightly out of place."

I chuckled a little. That's one thing I kinda liked about her. Sure she looked sweet and was nice but she also had a mean side. I wouldn't recommend getting on it."Whatever eggplant head." I watched as her face flushed red and her fist clenched."What'd you call me idiot?" This caused me to only laugh more."It was a joke dummy, now, what's your address?" She grabbed a small piece of paper and a pen before writing it down. Touka then handed me it,"Thanks." She said as she exited the room."Sure thing eggplant head." I only received the finger in response. You know maybe having those two staying here isn't so bad. Especially little Hinami. She's just so sweet and adorable. If Touka is busy she usually asks me to help her read some words.

With her being a ghoul I doubt she attended school growing up so that's probably why she struggles reading. I don't mind helping her though. If anything it's super fun. It makes me feel like an older sibling. Once I finished cleaning out the room and I went out and drove to the address written on the paper. Being careful I parked a good block away from the house. Once I got a good hundred meters from the house I saw multiple CCG vehicles surveying the house. Crap this isn't gonna be easy. I then decided to circle around and see if the back was clear. So it was. Carefully I climbed up to the second floor and opened a window. It lead into a room which I assume was Hinami's. Grabbing a duffle bag I had brought with me I stuffed some of her clothes in it before exiting the room.

I then moved to the next which was Touka's. Her room totally threw me off. It didn't match her style or personality what so ever. It was pink along with her bed sheets. On her bed sat multiple rabbit plushies. Looks like she loves rabbits. Maybe I should bring one with, maybe she'll appreciate it. After that I stuffed some of her clothes in the duffle bag along with a rabbit plushie. Once done with that I grabbed her back pack and exited through the window I had entered through. That was surprisingly easy, thank god. I sat their things in the back of my car before driving back to my place.

Once I parked outside I saw Touka sitting at my desk through the top window. She seemed to be scrolling through her phone."Oi Touka I'm back." A set of footsteps then made their way down the stairs."Holy crap thanks." She said as I handed her the backpack she asked for."I also got both you and Hinami your clothes so you don't have to wear the same crap everyday." This seemed to brighten her mood a bit."So have they done anything to my house?" She questioned."No, at least not yet. It's still under heavy surveillance so it's not safe to go back yet."

That seemed to put her down a little."Well I'm gonna watch a movie tonight, would you and Hinami wanna join in?" Touka stood there and seemed to think about it."What movie?" She questioned."I'm gonna watch Spirited Away." Her face seemed to light up in excitement."Hell yeah then that's one of my favorite movies. Also I'm sure Hinami will wanna come to. Just come get us when it's time. Also where are we gonna watch it?" I then remembered my small setup I had in the garage."It's a surprise but we're not heading out anywhere." She rolled her eyes before heading up the stairs."Whatever weirdo."
(Touka's POV)
Jesus what did this guy pack in this duffle bag? Once I got it up into the room I set the bag on the bed. I opened it and began pulling out the clothes to be eventually greeted by my favorite rabbit plushie. Ugh I thought I told that idiot not to touch anything. Well I can't really be mad at him since this is my favorite one and I kinda missed it. I set my plushie aside before unpacking the rest of the clothes. Alright it's about time I get working on some schoolwork considering I haven't shown up to classes. What should I email my professors? I'll just say I had surgery and I'm recovering. Pulling out my laptop I began to get to work.

A couple hours passed before I landed on my last question for a math worksheet. Crap I can't seem to get this. Oh yeah maybe that idiot can help me. Where is he anyway? I got up from the desk and headed to his room. I knocked."You can come in." He said before I came in."Oh hey Touka, what do you need?" I adjusted some of my hair before saying,"Do you think you could help me with my calculus homework?" Y/N got up from his bed and said,"Sure thing." We walked to
the room where he'd proceed to help me with the last question with ease."See it wasn't that hard." I then punched his arm."Whatever. Oh yeah I forgot but thanks for grabbing my favorite plushie."

For some reason he started laughing."You know when I went into your room it totally threw me off. You seemed more of like the dark and broody type of girl not the type that'd like pink and rabbits." He said chuckling to himself. This bastard."You're lucky you're letting me stay here or I'd kill you on the spot." "Whatever. Well if you ever need any help with homework I'm here to help. Also are you ready to watch the movie?" Oh yeah I forgot about that. Honestly a movie sounds pretty nice and relaxing right now."Yeah just let me get dressed into something comfy." Y/N nodded before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I threw on a hoodie and some shorts before going off to find Hinami. She was downstairs on the couch reading a book. Jesus she's gonna be a bookworm like that idiot Y/N."Hey Hinami are you ready for the movie?" I asked and she seemed to get really excited. She nodded before placing a bookmark in her book and closing it. Now where is that idiot at? Oh there. He was in the kitchen drinking some coffee."You guys ready?" He asked. We nodded before he proceeded to lead us out to the garage."Really we're gonna watch a movie in the garage?" I asked.

For all I know it's dirty as hell in there."Have a look for yourself eggplant head." He said opening the door for us. The garage was a simple room, against one wall was a couch, against the other was a projector screen. The whole room was lit with LEDs giving off the room a blue tint. To make things even more comfy there was a couple of blankets for us to use on the couch."Wow." Both Hinami and I said in unison. It looked awesome."Alright let's get started. You guys can get yourselves comfy on the couch while I get the movie ready." So we did and wrapped up in blankets on the couch."Alright there we go." Y/N said before pressing play on the movie.

As he did so he sat down next to me and wrapped up in his own blanket. As we watched the movie I glanced over at him and he seemed like he was really enjoying the movie. It was kinda cute. WAIT HOLD ON. Did I just find that idiot cute for a second? God am I getting that desperate? Glancing back at him he seemed pretty tired and before I knew it he was asleep. His head slowly dropped onto my shoulder. God damnit. I mean I don't totally hate this. HOLD UP NOPE. You can't let yourself fall for this guy, remember what happened last time when you did. Don't get yourself hurt again idiot. Even if this feels really nice I have to move. Carefully I moved him off me. Ah thank god he didn't wake up. The movie is over and it's kinda late we should probably head inside. Might as well wake him up. Gently I nudged Y/N and he slowly woke up."Oh is the movie over?"

He asked whilst yawning."Yeah we should probably head inside it's kinda late." He nodded and got up. With that he turned off the projector and LED lights. Looking over at Hinami who was now asleep I nudged her awake."Come on let's go." She got up and we then exited the garage.
(Third Person)
Little did Touka know that since it had been raining the ground below her was now slippery. She then managed to slip but caught herself but rolled her ankle in the process."Shit!" She said now limping."Crap are you alright?" Y/N asked concerned quickly moving over to her while Hinami had already gone inside."I think I sprained my ankle. Fuck!" She cursed."Here stupid let me help." He wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders and helped her inside. Inside he helped her up the stairs but took her to the guest room not wanting to bother the now sleeping Hinami.

Carefully he examined her now bruised and swollen ankle."Yeah you definitely sprained it. Here hold it up for me." Gently he wrapped it in an elastic bandage. He did with care not wanting to hurt the already in pain Touka."There all good. Now let me just go get an ice pack for you." Swiftly he went and grabbed one from the freezer downstairs."Here." Y/N said handing it to her."I want you keep that on your ankle and make sure to keep it elevated." He looked back up at her only to lock eyes with her. She immediately looked away blushing."Here let's get you to your room dummy." Carefully he helped her into her bed alongside Hinami."Thank you idiot." She whispered."Your welcome eggplant head." He whispered before leaving the room.

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