chapter 6

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I wake up to the sun shining against my skin, and I feel the presence of someone else, their skin touching mine. It's Topper.

I'm now curled up in a ball and his big warm arms are wrapped around my body, I blush at the realization. He always makes me nervous, I always find those butterflies visiting me when he's around. His chin rests in in crook of my neck, his chest against my back, I can feel his heartbeat.

He moves to get up and I can hear him whisper in my ear "good morning pretty girl" I smile at his words, rolling over to face him. He kissed my cheek softly, and we both turn red and I giggle "Good morning Thornton"

"How did you sleep last night?" He asks, he traces his finger in circles on my hand, "good" I smile at him. "My parents should be home soon" he sighs and sits up, stretching. I rub my face with one hand and sit up as well. "Hey, Elle?" Topper says, while he gets dressed in his closet. "What's up Top?" I reply, "Wanna hang out with me and my friends today? We were gonna go to the beach?" He says. "Yeah sure! I'd love that!" I say to him, those butterflies come back and a smile forms across my face.

I wear a white and black spotted bikini top and black bikini bottoms, on top I'm wearing my favourite pair of denim shorts with a light pink shirt. My hair is still down, I'm wearing a shell necklace and my 'E' necklace. I slide on my Birkenstock's and walk outside to see Topper waiting for me, what a gentleman.

At the beach we meet up with Rafe and Kelce, it's a beautiful day out so I don't wait much time before taking off my shorts and shirt. "Race ya!" I say to Topper just as he starts taking off his shirt, I take off way before him so I get a head start. "Hey! I wasn't ready!" He yells out chasing after me, as soon as I hit the water I giggle and Topper has now caught up to me and is picking me up. He runs with me in his arms and I squeal and giggle at him. I notice that there is an old couple near us that keeps looking at us, I hope that we weren't being to loud or disruptive, I think that they were just people watching.

Me and Topper get out of the water, and Rafe and Kelce approach us with a volleyball and the set up a speaker. There is already a net so we help ourselves and play a good game of two against two, me and Topper against Rafe and Kelce, just like when me and Topper first started- being a thing I guess you could say!

Me and Topper are both very competitive people, and we are completely dominating Rafe and Kelce! Every time I score he gives me a big high five and yells "Atta girl L!" It makes me blush and giggle every time, as for when Topper scores I cheer him on and give him 2 big high fives. I notice the old couple smiling at us all playing and getting along, which makes me smile too. I'm great full for the friend group we have formed, I hope that if me and Topper don't work out that we can all stay friends.

The song "Night Changes" by One Direction starts to play as we are finishing up, Kelce and Rafe are heading for the water to go swimming but I pull Topper towards the shore, "Come on Top, dance with me!" I say grabbing his hands "Elle I don't know how!" He says back, pouting and sticking out his bottom lip. "I'll teach you then! Put this hand on my waist and this one in mine, I'll put my other hand on your shoulder!" I say looking up at him, we both giggle as we blush, those butterflies once again coming back.

"Look at you! You're not even stepping on my feet anymore!" I say smiling at him, now halfway through the song, "I'm doing it Elle!" He says and we both laugh as we dance around the beach. The old couple is now getting up to go for a walk and Topper goes to swim with his friends, I walk back to where our stuff is to grab an elastic but the old lady stops me.

"Hi dear, if you don't mind me asking is that your boyfriend over there?" She asks and I stop to listen to her, I smile "Yes, yes he is" I feel my cheeks heat up. "You two are adorable, it reminds me of me and my husband when we were young and in love." She smiles putting her hand on my arm. I smile at her "Awe, why thank you!" I say to the nice couple "What are your names?" She asks. "I'm Elleanor but I go by Elle, and that's my boyfriend Topper." I say looking out into the water to see them throwing around a football laughing. "He treats you very nicely, he's a keeper" the old man says to me, I smile. "He makes me very happy." I say to them, "You are both just so gorgeous" she compliments me, my heart melts.

I think I just made a new best friend! "Why thank you so much, so are you!" She smiles and pats me on the arm, "Tell your boyfriend Topper he is a very good dancer" she says and waves at me "I will, it was nice meeting you both!" As I run into the ocean, not even caring about my elastic anymore. I run into Toppers arms and he throws me over his shoulder and catches the ball, I'm laughing and he's laughing along with me.

Today was an amazing day, it makes up for a few nights ago with me and Toppers little fight. I get home and take a quick shower, I throw on some pjs and put on Toppers hoodie. I light a candle in my room and open the window, I crawl outside and onto my roof. I take long deep breaths feeling at peace. Life had been going great so far, the boy I've loved for so long finally loves my back!


I'm walking around the cut when I bump into Mr. Heyward "Hi Mr. Heyward, how is it going?" I say to him, greeting him with a hug "I'm doing just fine sweetheart, Pope's been looking for you" he says to me, Mr Heyward was like family to me. "Really? I've been looking for him, do you know where I could find him?" I ask him "He is probably hanging around with John b" he smiles and I look at the water to see them approaching us in the boat. "Or he's right there" "Have a great rest of your day Mr. Heyward" I smile at him before taking Popes hand to get on the boat.

"Hey L" everyone says, "Hey y'all! What's up?" I respond back, "Not much with us, how are you and lover boy?" JJ jokes, I smirk and shove him in the side of the arm "We're fine"

It's been a couple of hours out on the boat, we arrive back to the chateau and I get a text from Topper "U going to the movie tonight?" It reads I reply with a yes. I was planning on just going with Pope since we haven't had much time just us in a while but oh well. The rest of the pogues are now going to come with us now anyways.


"Elle!" I hear Kelce yell out my name, I turn my head and see Topper smiling at me and waving along with Kelce and Rafe. "I'll be right back" I say to Pope before running over to them, "Hey pretty girl" Topper says hugging me, I blush and giggle into his chest "Hey" I say to him "Let's go find a spot to get set up" Rafe says to the group and Topper takes my hand "Oh um- actually I was planning on hanging out with Pope... we planned on going together beforehand" I say awkwardly. "What do you mean 'going with him'" he says and drops my hand "Top come on- as friends! We are best friends, plus we haven't had much time just the two of us in a while" I say to him putting a hand on his arm. He looks upset and just shakes it off "yeah whatever. go with him before the movie starts" he says avoiding eye contact and walking away.

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