chapter 9

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I find myself in a deep conversation with Sarah and her parents, I now have no clue where Topper and his friends went. I need to go use the restroom so I excuse myself from the conversation with the Cameron's to go find the nearest washroom.

As I'm getting closer to the washrooms I start to here yelling and fighting. I quickly recognize the voices. It's JJ arguing with Rafe, Kelce and Topper- my Topper. I move closer to the situation to hear more but not too close since I don't want to get involved or hurt. "Hey tell Elle and Kiara they're pretty hot for a couple of pogues" Rafe jokes. My face immediately heats up with rage and I walk further towards the situation

"Um what's going on?" I say looking between the boys and Topper, "Elle you shouldn't be here" Topper begins to say but is quickly interrupted by JJ "No problem here Elle, just defending your honour. I'll be on my way now." JJ says looking at me as he's fighting with the security guard on him. They begin to escort hi out and I look at Topper sighing.

"Topper..." I say looking at him in disappointment knowing that they were just fighting my friend. "Elle it's not what it looks like" he says but I just roll my eyes trying to go after JJ but I feel a hand grab my arm. "Elle please can we talk about this." He says with a hint of guilt in his eyes. "I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now Top." I say wiggling out of his grasp and going to search for JJ.

I see JJ being escorted out and making a scene "Rose you look like lady liberty" I hear him say and I continue to follow him. Ki finally sticks up for him "Hey you can't just kick him out I'm a member of this club and I invited him here" she says. Ki grabs my arm as JJ is rounding us all up to get out of this stupid situation and go meet up at john b's but I see Topper staring at me as I'm running over to JJ and John b with everyone. He looks so mad, but I couldn't care less at the moment. What he did was so rude and infuriated me. I run up to Pope and he lifts me up and spins me around as we leave the scene.

I get a call from my mom as we are sitting around the fire, "Eleanor I am very disappointed in your behaviour tonight, but Topper is very stressed and his mother says that he needs to talk to you. Please come home." My mom says through the speaker of my phone. I look at everyone else who was listening before responding. "Mom please I don't want to talk to Topper right now. Him and his friends started that whole thing." I say aggravated. "Elle I'm not going to continue arguing with you. Come home now please." My mom says before hanging up. I frown at the group and John b drives me home.

"Thanks JB, I'll see you soon." I say as I get out of van smiling at the boy, "any time L, good luck with Topper by the way. If you need us we're just a phone call away" he says returning a sweet smile before I close the door and he backs out of my driveway.

I sigh before enter my house and getting changed quickly, I then go downstairs to see my mother. "I suggest you go over to the Thornton's." She says simply, I nod and hurry out the door making my way across the street. I hesitantly knock on the front door and Mrs. Thornton immediately opens it. Her expression softens and she puts her hand on my shoulder, "I'm not mad, but he is. Go talk to him." She says to me and I nod running up towards Toppers room.

I knock on the door softly, "Topper?" I say quietly and the door swings open to reveal the stressed dirty blonde boy, running his hand through his hair. He licks his lips and looks down at me before almost whispering, "We need to talk." I invite myself in his room and take a few steps before facing towards him crossing my arms over my chest.

"What the fuck Topper? You need to get your shit together." I say sternly. He just looks at me biting the inside of his lip. "Elle you don't understand my side of the story-" he begins but I interrupt him "Topper stop saying that you're going to change or stop acting out and doing stupid shut because you just go and do it again." I say raising my voice at him. "It was never my idea to do that it was all Rafe and Kelces Elle. I went along with it and- and I was trying to protect you!" He says taking a step towards me "Topper what is your problem with the pogues?! You can't even put the issues you've had with them in the past aside for the girl you're with. They're my best friends- my family!" I say tears daring to fall from my eyes but I blink them away. "I know Elle I know- god! You don't understand how frustrating they are to us and the stupid shit they've pulled on us!" He says but after apologizes. "I'm sorry. This time I mean it. I'll try to put the past aside." He says. I hug him tight and he squeezes his arms around me and rests his head on mine.

"No more fighting please. All I want is my best friends and boyfriend to get along." I say almost crying into his chest. "I love you." He says whispering. "I love you too."

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