It was a winter evening and as always, Makoto was hanging out with Kyoko at her house. They were sleeping because they didn't really wanna stay up, feeling the cool air inside Kyoko's room. Makoto had enough of sleeping, not because he didn't want to keep sleeping, but because he just couldn't fall asleep any longer. Kyoko was still asleep right next to him, bummer.
Makoto just started thinking about, life really. Kyoko started moving around and then placed her face into his chest. Makoto blushed at this. He thought it was cute how Kyoko would normally do this when she was asleep. He started fiddling with Kyoko's hair, making him relax. He was a bit stressed today for no particular reason. He guessed that he just never wanted to leave Kyoko's side.
Makoto loved Kyoko with his whole being, and Kyoko was exactly like him. She loved him with her life. Makoto sometimes wondered why she loved somebody like him. But honestly, he stopped thinking about it, he was just happy that she felt the same way. Makoto started feeling sleepy once again, but Kyoko started waking up.
"Long sleep...?" Kyoko said, yawning and drunk of sleep. Makoto chuckled and nodded. Kyoko rubbed her eyes, and smiled at Makoto. She got close to him and hugged him. Makoto thought it was sweet when she did this, for no reason in general. She stopped hugging him and cupped his cheek, she loved doing that.
"I love you, Makoto." Kyoko said fondly. Makoto blushed. " I do too, Kyoko." He replied smiling. He embraced her in his arms again, and they started cuddling. Eventually, they fell asleep. They felt complete.
(Yes yes. Very short, but it's something :D.)

Naegiri oneshots
RomantikNaegiri One-shots. If you like naegiri then go ahead and read these.