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Makoto was nervous. He was going to confess to Kyoko Kirigiri, his childhood best friend. Why would somebody like her like somebody like him?  Little did he know...

Makoto had gone to a store to buy Kyoko some flowers, as he wanted this to be perfect. He called Asahina and Maizono for some support. "What else does she like!?" Makoto asked desperately.  Both girls shrugged, taken by surprise by the sudden desperateness from Makoto.

"You've known her since you were kids. You should know!" Maizono said, with a sudden realization.  Asahina's eyes widened, "You can get her coffee, she likes it doesn't she?" She said, with a huge smile on her face. "You both are right! Thank you, I'll tell you all how it went!" Makoto said enthusiastically. Makoto rushed off, almost falling as he went running to who knows where.

"Alright... you have everything planned, Makoto. You just have to pop the question while you're here..." Makoto said, speaking to himself. He suddenly got a notification on his phone. 

Kyoko <3

                                                                      Hey, Kyoko, can you meet me at the cafe near Hopes Peak?

Read 4:34 P.M

My apologies, Makoto. I'd love to, but as of now, I'm working on a case.

Read 4: 35 P.M

Makoto frowned, sadly reading the text he had just received. Everything he had done was for nothing. He sighed, starting to type,

Kyoko <3

Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow?

Read 4:36 P.M

Of course, goodbye Makoto.

Read 4: 37 P.M

Makoto put his phone away dejectedly. He grabbed the flowers and walked back to Hopes Peak with a frown formed on his lips. As he was heading towards his dorm Asahina and Maizono ran to him. "How did it go? Did she reject you? Does she like you ba-" Both girls said at the same time until Makoto interrupted them. "She couldn't come..." He said, in a soft tone. The girls slowed down, feeling bad for their prior friend. Maizono patted his shoulder, as Asahina tried to say comforting words.

Kyoko suddenly came out of her dorm, noticing the trio gathered at the other side of the hallway. Inside she was puzzled, wondering what was going on, as they all had small frowns on their faces. The only thing that could come to mind was the former text she had gotten from Makoto. She started to worry, what if it was something urgent, he had to tell her? 

"We're going to go, okay? Kyoko is starting to notice us here. You might be able to confess now." Asahina whispered to Makoto while waving to Sayaka to get out of the scene. Makoto's face lit up and nodded eagerly. The girls walked away from Makoto, slowly hiding behind a pillar. Kyoko started to walk towards Makoto, as he looked at the flowers with a grin.

"Makoto, is something the matter? I saw Maizono and Asahina with you, and it seemed like they were trying to comfort you." Kyoko asked, with a hint of worry in her voice. "I'm fine, now that you're here! I just needed to tell you something, and I guess now's the best time to do so!" Makoto started with determination. "Look, Kiri, the reason I wanted to meet up with you was because... I have something to confess." He said a dorky smile on his lips. Kyoko's heart started pounding rapidly, ba-dump...ba-dump... da-ba-dump... What if he didn't want to be friends anymore...?

"I like you!" Makoto said, holding out the flowers he had previously bought for Kyoko. I like you... I like you... I like you... Was all that rung through Kyoko's mind. She smiled, pushing the flowers aside. She kissed Makoto passionately. Makoto was quite surprised but returned i equally as fast.

"I do too, Makoto." She said, stopping the kiss from becoming anything too extreme. "Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" Makoto asked, blushing profusely but with a very big grin.

"Of course, I will. How could I say no to you?" Kyoko replied, having a small smile form on her lips.

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