We're Always by Your Side

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It's been a two whole weeks since when the Hyunjn incident happened but not even a moment they got the peace of mind that they've been wishing for after what happened.

All they do is replacing each other every day and night to make sure that Hyunjin will not do anything to hurt himself.

Since all of the members didn't want to let their guard down on Hyunjin. Chan decided to talked to their boss JYP which as he expected to received so many questions about what's happening and all he said is they just need a break from the excessive schedule.

He wanted to tell JYP about what happened but he respected Hyunjin's decision even if it's against his own will as a leader of their group and as a friend and brother for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin pleaded him not to tell anyone about what happened or else he would totally lost his mind. And of course Chan never wanted that to happen, all he just wanted is to bring Hyunjin's old self back but it seems like its going to be hard to get it back from now on.

He was thinking about something that will surely give Hyunjin a time without thinking any worries at all and by thinking that goal, Chan surprises everyone (except Hyunjin because he doesn't want the latter to panic, so he'll just explain it to him in a comforting manner)  that they will have a week vacation on Hyunjin's family home.


Chan POV

While I was making a drinks for myself and Hyunjin. I was contemplating whether how would I tell him that I planned for all of us to go tomorrow on his family home. I just hope that he wouldn't start having panic attacks if I said it be because he's still scared to see his family and noticed his situation but as for me I know that it will be a big help for him specially for his mental health.

He needed to be in a place where he will not be bothered by any thoughts, worries and responsibilities and surely that place is where his all loved ones resides.

"Chan Hyung?"

I came back from reality when I heard Hyunjin's quiet yet soft voice from behind me and when I turn around I immediately saw the terrified reaction on his face.

Since that incident happened to him, he never talked to anyone even the other members except to me but maybe because I'm the first one who he remembered and immediately get his trust so easily.

I hurriedly stopped mixing the coffee and walk fastly infront of him before caressing his softly with my most gentle manner.

"What's wrong Jinnie ah? Hyung was just making a drink for us and I was just about to wake you up after I readied this. Is there something wrong? Did you get a nightmare again?"

He immediately shook his head in disagreement before hugging me tightly and leaning his small pretty face beside my neck while started to whimpered in frightening manner.

"I-I thought...I-I thought that you left me again....I'm so scared Hyung...I can't...don't leave me alone" Hyunjin whispered while still leaning on me and I just breathe in relief from his statement.

Maybe today's a lucky day for all of us because he didn't get a nightmare like the usual he gets every night that results in a short chaos for us and it took for a while just to made him relax again.

I slightly caressed his soft black silky hair before carrying him back from our now shared bedroom and when I was about to lay him on the bed he gestures on his hands that he wanted to go to the terrace of our room. (bridal style cause I just like it🤭)

"Are you sure?...Do you want to feel the sun rays?" I asked attentively to let him know that I'm always here for him. (My Hyunchan Heart is crying🤧💖)

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