Can you be My Big Brother?

738 31 4

Jaehyun POV

I was currently finishing my breakfast when I got a call from my Master, Mr. Kim. I couldn't help but unconsciously swallowed in anxiousness thinking about that young naive boy's situation right now. I took a deep breath before decided to answer the call.

"Hello Master, what can I do for you this morning?" I asked formally, waiting for his answer.

All I can hear is a deepening silenced until Master Kim decided to talk.

[Jaehyun ah, come here this early. I'm currently going on a meeting today and I wanted you to have an eye on My Pretty Doll. He's quite still sick right now and I wanted you to take care of him while I'm away.]

I couldn't help but felt concerned hearing that naive boy was sick. I took a deep breath before answering my Master.

"I understand Master. I'll be there soon"

After I ended the call, I immediately took a quick shower and put on some comfortable clothes before decided to drive to my Master's Mansion.


After a concerning 30 minutes of driving, I finally made to the mansion. I immediately walked formally inside the mansion and goes straight to the dining area hoping that Master was there. Luckily my instinct was correct, his tall figure was sitting elegantly at the main chair of the dining table while taking his morning breakfast while reading newspaper routine. I stopped my tracked not far away from him before bowing as formality before standing up straightly back again.

"Good morning Master, I'm sorry for the interruption"

I saw him nodded before putting down his newspaper and started wiping his mouth with clean handkerchief before looking up to me with the same monotonous look.

"Good Morning Jaehyun. I'm already going to my meeting and I'm hoping that when I got here this evening, My Pretty Doll was not sick anymore so we can continue our playtime, okay? I don't want to play with a sick toy, and besides my private doctor already told me that he's just having a fever because of exhaustion and it will soon disappear once you gave him a proper meal and medicine, you can called the maids if you need assistance, okay?"

"Okay Master, I'll do my best to take care of him" I answered as an agreement


Hyunjin POV

I was woken up by a cold substance running down between my thigh and my eyes open up in terror feeling a flesh touching mine. I immediately jumped and push myself backwards before crouching myself into a ball protecting myself to the person infront of me.

"I-I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, I was just cleaning you because you're still unconscious..I didn't know that you'll wake up already"

A sweet little soft voice explained and I anxiously look up seeing the same made girl Eunha infront of me who's looking at me with concerning look while holding a damped towel on her right hand. I immediately understood what she's talking about when I saw a basin filled with seems warm water and an pain reliever ointment beside it. I couldn't help but felt embarrassed knowing what will she do if I was still unconscious.

"I-I...Iit's alright, I can clean myself up" I tried to explain between my heavy breathing caused by shocked and fear also.

"Oh no! It's my duty and besides I'm already used to it doing this-"


I immediately regret shouting at her seeing her bothered expression but I just shook my head and look down on my naked body. I flinched when I heard  the door opening but my breath sighed in relief seeing that luckily it's only Jaehyun Hyung.

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