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It was a few hours later The Doctor, Rachel and Missy were in the house sitting around the table having a relaxing meal that Rachel had cooked up. It was  the only meal she could cook as it was her favourite meal, spaghetti bow. They seem to really like it as they eat quietly for a moment, dipping in their garlic bread and slurping up the long strands of spaghetti. It's been awhile since they just eat a proper meal together as usually it would be a simple microwave meal or pot noddle.

Missy usually cooked the meals as she liked to but there were days that she didn't bother as she had too much in her mind about the events that transpired. She looked at them and smiled as she still missed Wilson who took care of her needs everytime she came home from doing a job. Missy was grateful they were there with her, as she grabbed the jug of water and poured herself a glass.

Times were tough on them as they were on the run from the British government agencies and for the first time in Missy's lives she was truly innocent. She took her glass as she sipped her water as she had to say something as they wanted answers and if she was honest she really didn't have any to give them.

Settling the glass on the table he took a napkin and wiped her mouth, "So I know you want answers and I try my best to give you them, but I am not going to lie to you both and say yeah, everything is going to be okay cause its not",

The Doctor swallowed his food as he sighs looking at Missy, "Missy  it's far from being okay, I know that but we need a plan to get out lives back",

"So is this it for us honey as I would like to try to get back my life but look at me now, a new body with a face I don't recognised thanks to Omega, now I am the most wanted women in Europe", Rachel grabs the jug of water,

"Yes we are in hell but I swear I find away of getting us free from this, you both can have a normal life, but I can't not ever", Missy sighs picking up the glass,

"I get that, but it's not the governments I am fearing, it's the fact, you are not the same Missy I knew and Omega has us by the ropes more than you ever did as the Master", the Doctor takes a piece of garlic bread and dips it into the sauce on his plate,

"I know I don't know where he is or what his new face is but from the stories I have heard of Omega he is not one to give in, he will be back,  I will get my revenge and make him suffer", Missy nods,

"He will try to kill us again won't he?", Rachel asked,

Missy nods, "Yes he will, including myself too, he is worse than me but at least I didn't Tey to kill everyone, just everyone who got in my way",

"So... Why are we hiding from them can't we just, you know seek him out and get him before he gets us, find a plan to get one step ahead of him or make plans within plans", The Doctor looks at Missy serious,

"I wish it was that easy, we know nothing, our resources are limited and he had money, power and the backing not only the templars but the illuminati to, our last sponsor died remember and now Suki now Rachel has had her funds cut off as they believe Suki Tanaka is either dead or missing", Missy looks seriously at them both,

"So we just stay here in Paris, hidding away like cowards", The Doctor huffs,

"No not cowards, we are regrouping and going to play it smart, last time Omega fooled us all and he will do it again, I have no doubt he will", Missy looked at them both dipping her water,

"Well I am scared, sorry but I am terrified of him, he trying to destroy the world", Rachel looks at Missy with fear in her eyes,

"Good be afraid, you should be afraid and I don't think he was trying to destroy the world, well not that time, I think he was trying to recreate the nexus star", Missy put her glass down on the table,

"What's this nexus star?", Rachel asked as she reached for the jug of water,

"The stoires of the Nexus Star are legendary, its a power source, I have never seen one but it's the power that was used to created the time vortex, it's extremely powerful and dangerous, if it created then we are in trouble as he has the first part needed to turn your sun to a black hole", The Doctor explains to them both,

They looked at him as they were very afraid, no words could escape their lips as only Rachel didn't understand alien technology but they did understand that whatever was going on about the sun would be devastating to the whole world. They looked at each other as they both looked at the Doctor not really knowing what to say to him about it. Rachel stood up and started to collect the plates sighing trying to think what to say it ask,

"So if this is true, what will happen to us all?", Missy asked as calmy as possible,

"Well best guess, the radiation that heated up the earth's core would cool, turning the earth into a giant ice box", the Doctor looks seriously at Missy,

"But we have electricity, not like we are in the Stone ages dude, but I get it will freeze to death eventually", Missy sighs sitting back,

"Worse, because we are in the sun's gravity pull the earth would stop rotating, eventually we would all be pulled into the black hole and die...", The Doctor was a little blunt to her,

Rachel drops her plate, smashing it on the floor as Missy groans in fear. It wasn't what they wanted to hear coming from the Doctors mouth but the Doctor wasn't one to sugar coat the dark situation they were in and they were scared, even Missy looked fearful in her eyes as the Doctor explained the situation at hand,

"But you can stop him right, tell me you can stop him?", Rachel asked with a sharp tone,
"Yeah you can, right..", whimpered Rachel grabbing a dustpan and brush,

"I can.. But I can't alone", The Doctor looks seriously at them both,

"How sure are you that he has created the Nexus Star?", The Doctor points at Missy,

"I am very sure, I have had time to think about it and remember the stories of back home", Missy looks seriously at the Doctor,

"So is there a plan then?", Rachel asked as she swiping up her mess off the floor,

"Omega has been at least two steps ahead of us last time, if we are going to defeat him we need to be six steps ahead and hit ten where it hurts the most. You see people like him, well me, well past me use power to create fear and it works but in doing so, you get blindsided and don't see the dangers coming", Missy looks over at Rachel cleaning up,

"No I don't know what you mean", Missy looks at her,

"When you was Harold Saxon, I was prime minister of Great Britain, you had been planning hard for a very long time to the point you covered your tracks that even the Doctor didn't see until it's too late, but your ego got the better of you and you didn't see that they used your own plan against you, well the  satellites against you that defeated you. We have to do the same thing, we find their weakness and use it againt them too and yes I did some research on you", Missy looked at her girl with a grin, then at the Doctor knowing Rachel was right, as she had an idea,

"Now I don't know who to be more aware of him or you Missy, I have heard of Harold Saxon and I heard so many bad things about him", Rachel gulped holding the dust pan and brush near her chest

"The one that murdered your president live on national TV", Missy spoke softly,

There was silence in the room, "That was a past me, a very excited to be set free me that wanted power, at least I wouldn't of destroyed the planet, well unless you provoked me, which some of you did but only to stop me", Missy looks at them both,

"So you was public enemy number one", as Rachel looked at Missy,

"I was for years  followed by an huge explosion, then a wise old man helping me to adapt to humanity well as much as I could stand", Missy stands up and grabs her plate and glass,

"So do you got a plan then ?", Rachel gulps as she wasn't so bothered about what she did in the past as she had changed, she wanted to believe her girl can tried to save the world last time,

"The rich and powerful have the power to make you little people feel small and not important, to make you go away, no matter what happens we are not going to let them get away with it, we are going to provide, leverage, those dicks are going to face me and I will destroy them", Missy grins at them both,

"So the plan is?", The Doctor asked,

"How do you hunt worms, you stomp on the ground to bring them up to the surface, we are going to do the same, we are going to stomp their grounds and make them show their faces. When they do we then can start to take away their power, hit them where it hurts, then I will bring Omega to his knees", Missy looks seriously at them both as she winks with a grin,

The pair of them smile as they actually liked the sound of it as Rachel's takes Missy's plate and glass from her. She then takes the Doctors plate as he smiles at her, as the mood in the house had changed at Missy's plan, it sounded like he was going to play it smart and not go directly at them but to work around them to weaken their plans from the outside in,

"So not to kill the mood, but do you think we can do this, just the three of us?", The Doctor asked,

"And so what,  Doctor you have taken on armies before this should be a walk in the park with two time lords and an brillant fighter", Missy looks at the Doctor,

The Doctor grins as he got up out of his chair to grab his laptop and opening it up straight away without any hesitation. He took a deep breath as he plugged in the power point into the socket and waited for his screen to load up. Missy grabbed a bottle of diet coke from the fridge as she watched the Doctor, Rachel was too watching but she was putting the dirty plates into the dish washer,

"So if I can find the the solution of possible out comes of Omega's experiments using the Nexus Star, using a simulation mapping programme", The Doctor spoke out,

"Good and try any astronomy projections that could have a trianglar effect on the environment", Missy looks at the Doctor seeing her little speak had an impact on him,

Rachel grabbed the Doctor a bottle of orange soda bringing it over to him to have a refreshing drink as she gives him a bottle, "There you go",

"Thank you", The Doctor grins taking the bottle from her,

Missy rolls her eyes as she a drags her chair over to sit next to the Doctor to look at the screen at what he was doing, The Doctor looks at the screen as he concerntriats with a smile  Missy, she makes some points, "That's good but the magnetic flow between the planets could play a huge factor",

Rachel listened to Missy comments as Rachel pulls up a chair next to really as shw puts a gand on her thigh resting ahead chin on Missys shoulder, as The Doctor grunts and grins tapping away at the keys on his compute, "So anyway this could take awhile as there is no planetary enlightenments coming up soon",

Missy looks at the screen as se puts her hand on Rachel's thigh squeezing it lightly, "So tell me about him then", she looks at the screen,

"Well, then back to square one as he would need to have an huge amount of power and not biological,  it has to be like electricity current or nuclear to power up the nexus star", Missy reads off the screen,

"That's it, oh why am I so mentally challenged,  that's how we can locate him if he needs a certain amount of power then he would need to be near or around the biggest power station or power source in the UK", The Doctor gasped as he rolled his eyes,

"So find the locations but I have the feeling it's still within the London area", Missy smiles at him,

"London is huge", Rachel grins,

The Doctor sets up a mapping system for London on the laptop, "This might take awhile",

"Doesn't matter Doctor, for this plan to work we need to carfully plan it", Missy looks at him,

"Indeed, with the London underground systems and countless water way systems, plumbing, not to mention the towns that surround the main city, it will be hard to detect anything out of the unusual", The Doctor brings up the next map on the screen,

"What are you looking for anyway I mean you have major power stations on the outskirts of the city", Rachel mumbles,

"Way to easy, Omega wouldn't get his power from the source, no.... he would have it at a point where the main power grin connects or possibly hidden from viewing eyes to conduct his experiments,  that's where I believe you was experimented on", The Doctor looked at Rachel then at Missy,

"Babe, do you remember anything at all before you woke up inside your limo after your resurrection", Missy asked as she squeezed Rachel's knee gently and grins,

"No nothing,  sorry not much use am I", Missy grins at Rachel, who grins back making her hand run more around Missy's thigh,

"It's okay darling, there was only a sight chance you would, Omega covered his tracks really good", Missy smiles and kissed her cheek,

"That's just the point isn't it, he has had years to plan, to cover his tracks, to stay hidden all this time until the convergence,  then and only then he chose to reveal himself, not because it was  his time but because he could", The Doctor breaths out as he thinks  as he opens his bottle of drink looking at the screen of the maps,

"Becaue he wants a big finale with his name imprinted among the universe for all to see, the egoistic wanker", Missy grunts,

"I don't care what his ego is, we will find him and put a stop to him once and for all", The Doctor stands up and yawns,

"Alright Doctor, are you tired?", Missy asked,

"Yeah, after good food I like to take a nap", he yawns again,

"Alright you take a nap and I will spend a few hours and have a look for a locations of possible places with massive power surges ", Missy looks at him,

The Doctor nods as he walks off and head to his room to take a nap, He walks into the room and shuts the door behind him, slipping off his shoes as he slides onto the bed he could feel his eyes feeling rather heavy as he closed them for just a second.

Missy and Rachel were left in the room as Rachel kissed Missy's lips as she got up and left Missy yo continue the Doctor's work, but it was only moments later Missy too had dozed off  and within a blink of an eye she knew what was happening as it started to happen many times since she visited the grave yard back in London.

It was like a becon calling her as she fell straight asleep, her hearts were beating heavy as she slept. Her body was tossing and turning like she had lost control of it as she fell deeper into a sleep. Once she was completely under she felt the cool breeze of the winds back at Gallifrey as she opened her eyes, the light was blurry at first as she wiped them gently and looked around.

Missy was back in the red fields once again, she never knew why she was always here again but she was at the meeting point, where she meets her. She looked up seeing the twin sun's in the sky, the air was breezy but warm but this time she was wearing the clothes she was wearing back in Paris.

She started to walk as she knew soon she would be seeing her and she wanted to see her so much, it was the only time she felt at peace but each time she did she felt things in the dream had changed. Then she stopped as like there was this soft sound from the tree like this tune that felt calming. Then she looked around and she saw her, she was dancing with her arms out stretched and spinning around like a helicopter.

Missy walked up to her smiling as she stopped and looked at her, she smiled as she walking up to her on tip toes. She wore this white cotton dress and nothing else just she smile, yet the vision of her smoothed her very soul. She stood in front of her and pushed up on her toes as she kisses her cheek grinning,

"Beautiful isn't it, you came back", She said,

"I always come back for you, this is our home, you are my home", Missy speaks gently to her as she takes her hands smiling,

"You know how to find me, I never leave this place, here is peace, here is heaven", she said,

"Heaven is my home, I will never find such a blissful place like right here, right now", Missy smiles at her,

She held into her hands as she pulled him to follow her but not letting go of her hands, "Then come with me",

"Where we going?", Missy asked as she felt her pulling her to follow her,

"To the waters, they are like crystal clear, we can relax by the pools", She grins at her as she pulls her to walk with her,

They held hands as they gently walked through the fields, "They are beautiful, but I have to ask, are you really here, why haven't we found each other",

"My sweet Missy, you know the answer to that, you just need to open your eyes and see", She smiled at her and pulls her through the red fields,

"Open my eyes, what you mean I see you here and yet I didn't know why you come to see me, am I worth it?", Missy asked,

She smiles at her and stops then leans up to her kisses her cheek again and whispers, "Your worth the wait",

Missy smiles as she held onto her hand tighter as they walked in the sunshine coming to the sparkly crystal clear water as, she let go to sit on a rock near by and lower her leg into the water to dip her toe into it, "Do you remember how the water was so pure, clean and never cold it was perfect",

Missy walks over and sits on the edge of the rock and starts to remove her heels, "Many times, I would of loved to swim with you but we have no swim wear",

Putting both her feet into the water she moves a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Why didn't you, did we really need any clothes?",

Missy blushed a little as she shuffled next to her and put her feet into the warm water, "I guess not but we were children back then and now look at you, a gorgeous lady, I see before me",

She smiles at her and looks down, "You think I am gorgeous?",

Missy nods, "Yes I do, you have casted a spell on me",

"So you saying I am witch?", She smiled at her splashing her feet in and out the water,

"No, I am saying, just looking at you, you have bewitched my very soul that controls my very thought  and the beats of my hearts", Missy looks at her as she leans in to kiss her cheek,

She surprised her as she moved her face enough to kiss her lips gently, "That's on credit dear bewitched Missy",

Missy smiled at her bur sighs, "Why don't we find each other, of your truly alive then I want to be where you are",

She touches her hand giving it a squeeze, "Not time yet, but we will, but first you have something else to do",

"Save the world?", Missy said with a grin,

She claps and splashes her feet in the water, "Yes, I promise you, we will see each other again",

She smiles as she wanted to kiss her lips again, but she takes her feet out the water, as Missy watched her, wondering what she was doing. She grinned at her as without warm she bend down grabbing the helm of her dress and pulled it over her head and dropped it on the rock they were sitting on,

"Ermm.. Whoa", Missy mumbles as she felt her hearts explode seeing her naked,

"You like?", She grinned,

Missy blushed and nods as she looked at her body, she was completely naked and couldn't take hwe eyes off of her. Her body was perfect like every inch of her slender and smooth with this light tan glow to her skin. She looked at her as she laughed and dived into the water.

Missy stood up as she could see her body in the water as she came back for air, there was nothing in the water to cover her as he saw droplets running down her breasts and drip off her nipples that was very arousing to her. Her wet hair seem to lay on her skin as she looked at her like she has never looked at her before. Her look was like she was beckoning her to join her, Missy wasn't going to say no as she started to removed her clothes fast.

Missy removed her clothes, as she pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulder  then unclipped her bra, she soon pulled her knickers down as she stood there to give  her a view like she did for her, smiling at her as she stumbled over which made her laugh at her, being a silly goof. She stood on the rock naked looking at her, she winked at her, crocking her finger at her to join her as she dived in.

He swam back up as she shook her wet hair like a dog and before she knew it she wrapped her arms around her neck looking into her eyes. Her hearts were beating as she held onto her waist, she was completely smitten by her, she moved head turned to the side slightly as she pushed his lips to hers.

They were about to kiss when she pulled her lips away as the sky went dark very quickly. Missy looked up as she saw the sun's were going dark like an eclipse. She looked up thinking this has never happened in Gallifrey before as her worried eyes looked into the her eyes that looked scared,

"What's going on?", Missy asked her,

"It's started, you need to stop it", She said looking at her scared,

"But this has never happened here on Gallifrey before, how is this possible?", Missy held on to her tight,

"It has but it was before our life time, he needs to be stopped Missy", She holds onto her tight, as Missy felt her wet breasts pressed into hers as they held each other,

"I don't.. I don't know if I can", Missy held onto her tight as the whole sky went dark,

"You can, you always can", She held her in the water as the water becomes cold and she felt her body start to freeze,

She let go of her as she climbed onto the rock the winds blew colder than anything as she  leaned over the side reaching out her hand to her. She reached out to her as their finger tips touched but her eyes so full of fear saw the water turn to ice as quickly as anything,

"Grab my hand now..", Missy screams at her seeing her turn her head in fear as the water turned to ice within seconds.

"Save them..", She screams trying to grab hold of her hand but Missy's eye's widen as she turned to ice.

Missy watched in horror as she screamed out in a desperate scream for help seeing snow falling and ice building up everywhere. Her whole world was turning into an icebox, her skin was red and blue from the cold but before she knew it she sat up from the table.

It was so loud the Doctor and Rachel sat up hearing her, The Doctor saw her through the door seeing sweating and gasping to breath. Rachel jumped from the soda and wrapped her arms from around her back to her chest. Missy's hearts beats faster than ever, not knowing what to say and shrugging to breathe,

"I got you babe, just breath, relax and breath", Rachel held into her, trying to calm her down,

The Doctor had walked in and sat next to her putting a hand on her shoulder, "Missy relax its just a dream",

On hearing his words, she looked at the Doctor, "Not just a dream, I saw her again",

"The lady?, you see her a lot lately what happened this time", Rachel wiped her palm  through Missy's hair, not jealous that she been dreaming of another women, an women he jas dreamt about even before they met,

"Yes and it's not the first time either, he did it on my home world and now he is going to do it here and I don't know how to stop him", Missy gasps,

"We will Missy, I promise you, we get right on this I swear",  The Doctor nods keeping his hand in Missy's shoulder,

"The Doctor is right, we beat him once we do it again and this time for good", Rachel whispers as she laid her chin on her shoulder.

Missy nodded as she takes a deep breath and looks at the Doctor, "How long was I out of it?",

"Well maybe a few hours it's half past ten at night, I did check on you but you seem to be out of it at the table", The Doctor nodded with a raised brow,

"So... you didn't wake me then ?", Missy asked,

The Doctor grinned, "No, your a right crank when your waken up",

"Yeah, thats true", Missy grins at him and pats on his shoulder,

Rachel puts her arm around Missy shoulder, "He hasn't seen you wake up next to me then babe",

"Oh really, I am glad as we not fully dressed and after after night with you love, I am always refreshed", Missy looks at Rachel with a wink,

"Right at that note I am going back to bed, so please keep the noise down", The Doctor  coughs as he gets back off the bed,

Missy looks at Cherry too, she shrugs her shoulders, "Why don't we go to bed baby, I wi am you sleep really good", she stand up and once the Doctor had disappeared she removed her top and throws it at Missy, crocking her finger for her to follow her to bed. As Missy takes in Rachel's scent and giggle as she followed her to their bedroom shutting the door.

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