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So Captain John and Leah was now on their mission to destroy the portal in the bottom of the time lord academy as they flew with the cloaking device on to avoid dection from the time lords and start a new war as they got all the information they required from Missy and the Doctor. To them it could be a oneway mission but if it is done right they could do it, blow up the portal and get out without being seen. For Leah she had been there once before not so long ago with Missy so her face might be spotted but she couldn't be sure as she had changed skin but it was a risk she had to take.

She had also promised Captain John that she would be his companion if he was to help her which he couldn't refused. In knowing this this could mean she would leave Missy for good but at the same time she would be able to help her save the Earth.

Captain John had switched the controls to manual as he buckled up in his seat with Leah as he kew this was going to be a hell of fight on his way in the most reluctant force in the universe as he did claimed to be one of the best pilots in the galaxy going against the Gallifreyan war fleet as he had a plan with Leah to creat a distraction that could possblily start a new war with the planet of Gallifrey.

He followed the Doctors instructions as this would be one hell of a crazy mission as Missy and the Doctor were about to take on Omega and Mr Linderman.

Captian John takes the control as he winks at Leah with a wink,"Alright sweetheart, you ready for the fight of your life, or shall I say ride of your life",

"Well if your flying as good as you brag, this will be interesting Captain", Leah had the controls,

"Yeah of course, I am the best sweet cheeks, Just remind me why doing this again", Captian John but on his coms with a huge sigh,

"For a whole planet for six billion people depend on us and the fact I will help you find Captian Jack and I would have sex with you", She looks at him as she grabs some equipment and starts to put it together very quickly,

Captain John watched her as she assembled this device so face, he was very impressed at how fast she could do that, now that's really impressive as' she was artifical intelligence but she was the most advanced AI in the in universe and she has decleared herself as his only cause she has kept her promiseto the most dangerous intergalactic criminal in the galaxy or in some respect the most unluckiest from a certain perspective, since Missy was working along side her greatest enemy the Doctor. Captain John wasn't any better himself but at least he hadn't tried to take over a planet or kill civilisations she has, or even come back from the dead on a few occasions.

"You know once they dectect us they going to raise shields and once they are up there is no going back, the Doctor said its game over for us", Leah looked at him, she looked at him with fear in her eyes,

Captain John nodded with a little sigh, "Yeah, This is the world that is supposed to be long gone since the great time war, these cunts just don't die",

"You know about the Great Time War ?", she looks at him,

John scoffs as he switches his ship ready for battle, "Yeah, everyone in the bloody galaxy does love, the stories give me the chills. the timelords and the daleks, it's something I would frankly would never want to be apart of if i was there, sod that...",

"I heard and have files on it, it haunts both of them for over a thosand years, maybe longer and yet they still live, which I do nnot understand how but yet they still live, maybe the Doctor knows what happned in the final days of the War", Leah switches on the device,

"You can but I heard rumours and only rumors, but I heard that the great travelling Doctor came back but was called the Doctor of War and came back to save his dying planet in the final days, but you know that's the whispers and ghost stories, but no one but him knows wht really happens", John looked at her, he was pretty impressed by how she could prepare for this battle,

"This Doctor ?.. is he a good man ?", she looks at him curiously,

"Well sweetheart, I have been from one end of the universe to another and I have heard tales and stories of this Doctor in his TARDIS and I have to say that for one man to travel on his own, sometimes with someone... he is a legend, the man is like this unsung hero, completely different to your Missy, I could tell you tales that would make your circuits blow, even I am a little afraid, this sodding man has took on the most feared creatures in this universe and still alive to tell the tales, so.... Yeah a good man", Captain John looks at her with a serious face,

"Missy isnt afraid of him... ", Leah grunts at him as she flips a few switches preparing the ships defences for approach,

"Ha... oh yes she is sweetheart, as the Doctor's greatest enemy isnt Missy but himself, they might of been friends in the past love, but it's the Doctor who has raised up to levels that all of us in the galaxy respect and fear and if your smart you should too", John puts on this face that trying to get Leah to see things from his point of view,

Leah rolls her eyes as she  stands up and kisses his cheek then heads to the cargo door, "Well then we better avoid this Doctor on our adventures captain",

"Copy that... preparing decent.... sweetheart good luck, we have only one shot at this", John make his approach towards the Gallifrey capital,

Leah gave him a little smile as she makes ready to jump out the ships cargo hold as the doors opening up. They knew that once they are detected they be under attack and the fight begins.

President Pandad was in the main control room as a guard runs in with his weapon made ready as he looks at his president with fear on his face. Pandad looks at him as he already knew that the planetary defence system had dectected approaching the city as they were trying to dectect the theat level,

"President Sir, we have a problem a ship as approaches the city, an old but cloaked ship that we encounted a few days ago, its coming in an attack formation", the guard said,

Pandad looked at him holding his staff as he knew what ship he was talking about, "Then alert the guard and the troops, open fire on it now, right now", he barks his orders,

"Sir... ", the guard nods,

"Open fire an destroy the ship now", Padad shouts looking at his generals with anger as he knew what wasw going on,

The defences and gun start to open fire at the ship as Captain John put on some music to fly with a grin flying the ship between the blasts as he made the ship twist and turn, like this military pilot in combat. He was having fun as Leah held on tight with with wind blowing from the outside, blowing her hair as she watched as the ship could only perform certain maneuvers with the cargo doors open. She was waiting for the green light from Captain John to make her move, the blasts were making it hard as the ship had been hit a few times but the shield was strong enough to take but not forever as they were heavy blasts and it would only take a few more before they would be destroyed. But Captian John was keeping his word and his flying skills were very unmatched,

"Get ready sweetheart...", John shouted as he flew them throught the defences of the city,

"I am ready... ", Leah shouted back,

Pandad watched over his defence general's shoulders he watched the screen, "Where is the ship going, this pilot is mad, to think he can get past our defences",

"I don't thiink that's their intention sir", the general said,

"What do you mean ?", Pandad asked,

"Sir, if i have worked out its flyt pattern, it's heading towards the Academy", The general put the simulated holographic for his president on the screen, "Why would they go there sir ?",

Pandad soon knew excatly what was going on as his face turned in to a face of serious rage, letting out a huge grunt and grunted out as he glared at his general, "Fire all weapons, send your troops to the Academy now general...",

The General nodded, abit confused but didn't want to question his president as he called in his troops on the coms and as for air support to take the ship out.

Captain John's monitors had picked up signals of incoming ships as he looks at Leah as he flew the Ship as low as he could for her to Jump as he took a sigh as it was happening for them both, this was a one way mission, this was really happening they were going to be wiped off the face of the planet as he made his ships weapons ready, "Sorry sweetheart... time for a leap of faith",

Leah nodded as she looked outside with a little wink, "Pick me up and don't be late captain...", she jumps out the ship,

"Women.... ", Captian John grins as he closed the back door of the cargo hold and flew the ship away from the incoming defence ship's of Gallifrey.

Leah fell through the air as she was in combat mode like somekind of action hero, she used her hands to rip through the sides of the building to ease her decent to the ground. She landed like in this classic superhero pose as she grinned, she enjoyed this very much but now it has begun as she saw people running for cover as John was flying the ship around as explosions of buildings were being hit around, she grinned as she looked around seeing the troops running towards her to get between her and her destination.

They made there weapons ready as they started to surround her but she stood there in battle mode but they have never faced anyone like her before but they are going to learned why she is being wanted by those pirates, as she was in battle mode pulling out Captain John's Weapons and gives them a wink charging at them with such force and precise skills, leaping into the air firing her weapons with some accuracy, gunning them down.

Laser blasts hitting the walls but the troops seem to fall down like leafs from a tree as she eased passed them they couldn't slow her down. She ran as fast as she could firing her weapons like an action hero, watching as the troops were going down so quickly, but skilled enough not to hit a civilians trying to avoid the combat. Leah had grabbed one pf the soldier's arm and tossed him against a wall as she approached the Academy showing no mercy.

Captain John was flying around the outskirts of the city as he made ready for his offence as he had to knock out the shield generators, it only keep it down for a short while but it was the only chance him and Leah had to complete their mission and if the Doctor was correct then it would give them a window of maybe fifteen mintues  to get out of there, but the real mission was to destroy the portal to Earth, cutting off Omega's supplys. He was enjoying himselff as he was being chased by the Gallifreyan's defence fleet, blasting his music as he liked rock music from Earth, he was really enjoying himself.

Leah had made her way inside as she knew where to go as she fought off the guard like an aggrestive soldier as she slammed him throught the door. she ran as she made her way to the class room that Missy had showed her, but noticed that she wasn't being followed as she kept running towards it. she got inside and used her gun to shoot the lock to keep the door closed and hard for anyone to follow her, as she approached the area, she had to press the buttons near the area to open the secret passage that would lead her directly to portal.

Leah opened it as she made her way down the stairs seeing it was unguarded as she started to prepare the bomb she had made and connected it to the portal as instructed by the Doctor, she was ready for them to come at her, she wasn't stupid as she knew they would leave a trap for her as she connected a small device to this energy console but as she did she saw the troops walking in with the President as he came in like no care in the world,

"You are trapped my dear", he speaks out to her,

"You must be Pandad, sorry for the rude interruption but you knpw you have to be stopped", Leah glared at him,

Padad looked at her a bit confused, he really didn't know who she was, "And you are my dear as your not Missy ?", he looks at her,

"No I am not her, but she sends a message for you, since she would give it to yourself but she has other plans", She smiles at him,

"Shame I would love to see he again, the traitor...", Pandad grumbles,

"Yeah I know but as you know that your plans are over, you have lost Pandad", Leah grins at him,

"Oh is that right, I think you made a big mistake my dear, this is far from over, this is only the beginning, there is more to this that you ever know, I am only a small part part of a much bigger plan and you think coming here to destroy my work will stop what is to come", Pandad snaps at her,

"Oh I know your own creation has turned on you, this is over for you", Leah glares at him as she takes in what he was saying,

"You really think your effortless assult on my world would accomplish anything, I give you credit for trying but she will not succeed in our plans, you three are finished, there is no hope for you lot", Pandad grins at her,

Not once did he mention that the Doctor was helping them as he assumed it was only three of them but he really didnt have a clue that they weren't alone as she laughed at him as she took a step closer to him, "Oh you don't know do you... ",

"Know what ?", he senses her cockiness,

"How do you think we was able to bring down your defences, oh dearly me, how didn't you see it coming and I thought you was a timelord", Leah winks at him as this massive Explosion outside the city rocked the city as the building shook as they all clung to the sides of the walls. Pandad yelled out looking around then at her very angrily,

"What have you done ?", He yells at her,

"Thank you Doctor...", she mumbles,

Padad heard her as his eyes widen he realised that the Doctor was helping them as he looked at his guard as he snapped at them knowing she had a bomb attached to his portal, "Kill her....", he ggot out the way knowing what was going to happen,

The guard opned fire at Leah but leah fired back rolling out the way holding one gun as the other hand was holding the trigger to the bomb. She fired as she held up the trigger with wink, they knew as Pandad had already made a run for it, they too started to run as Leah ran too as this was the window for her escape, "Run you bastards..", she yells,

She pressed the button as she still had her connection to the ship as she was able to talk to the captian, "Okay we have thirty seconds until boom time, come and get me",

"Roger that love, these boys can't fly at all, they like giving choice but they have hit everything but this ship haha", John smirks as he starts his approach to pick her up,

"Oh I know, but Pandad got away like a coward", She shouts as she runs fast as the clock is ticking,

"You know I can't land so your are going to have to jump love", he smirks as he lowers the cargo ramp for her,

"Just swoop down I will make it Captain", Leah runs towards the stairs as there was only seconds left,

This was going to be very close as there was no time for mistakes as she went up to  the highest point seeing the ship starting to swoop down towards the building as she ran with only seven seconds left as she ran as fast as she could and jumps through the window as it breaks. It was like slow motion as she broke the window and reached out just managed to grab the bar on the cargo bay door as she pulled herself up onto the ramp. Captain John started his approached into the sky as the count down ended and this huge explosion that rattled the ship.

Leah closed the ramp as she held on as Captain and her yelled out as the ship took a beating from the explosion  but as soon as they were clear they flew fast as they were being chased by the Gallifreyan forces, which they had to be careful as the shields on the ship was at a low and they could be destroyed easily now, so it was up to Captain John to fly them to safety.

Leah sat in the seat next to John as she looked like she beeng in a cat fight with cuts from the glass scratched her skin as she bled out a bit fom the cuts. He was flying hard doing alsort of maneuvers to shake off the incoming ships, they really were in trouble as they can feel the blasts hitting the sides of the ship,

"We need to contact Missy and the Doctor let them know thats its done", Leah shouted as the ship shook from the blasts,

"Good luck with that, we probably dead before we get a sodding chance", John grumbled at her,

"We have to try", She looked at him,

"Well your in the ship so can't you send a signal or something cause I dont think we will last much longer, sorry honey", John looked at her worried as he could feel the ship was not going to last much longer,

Leah could read his vitals as she nodded as she tapped into the ships communtications to send a message. She was worriede too, even though that she knew this was a one way mission but then she remembered something that Missy had done to the ship which could benefit them both if Captain John was willing to let go of the ship. 

She looked at him as she ran to the main powersource of the ship and dissconnected the vortex malipulator from it hoping there was enough power for them to use it. She ran back to him as he looks at her, as he sort of knew what she is thinking as he let out a huge sigh, he knew he was about to
loose the ship. He looked at her as she held the vortex malipulator in her hands,

"Okay lets do it", He looked at her,

She sighs as she set the ship to continue on the course then grabs his hand as she took it, they both looked at each other as the ships sensors went off knowing that the gallifryan's had a lock on the ship. Moments later the ship exploded and the Gallifreyan ships turned around and started to head back to Gallifrey like a they had completed a mighty victory as they send a message back to their president that the ship has been destroyed.

President Pandad walked through the rubble and flames of his destroyed portal, he is fuming mad as he saw a guard and zapped him with his staff in anger. He knew that they had help from the Doctor but yet he couldn't touch the Doctor as his people classed him as a war hero and never to be forgotten. He just stood there as he stepped over the body of the guard unable to do anything as the women had blown up his connection to Omega and now they were on the verge of defeat. He looked around as he looked at a soldier coming in,

"Good news my president the intruders have been destroyed", he said,

"Good...", Pandad mumbles,

"Shall I keep the troops sweeping the city ?", the soldier asked,

"Yes, but there will be no more, but get our shields fixed now, they left us vunable to attach those fools", Pandad snaps as he looked around angrily at the burning wreckage,

"Yes my presidenr..", The soldier leaves,

"They will pay for this dearly... traitors...", Pandad grumbles as the reflection of the flames burn into his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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