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Tae sighed as he walked out of his room. He looked around scanning the room. Maybe the familiar surroundings can calm him down.

Just when he descended from the stairs and reached the big living room, he saw his mom was busy with some papers.

" Mom, let's go, I don't want to be late".

His mom looked up from the papers abruptly, her face displaying confusion.

Soon her confused look was replaced by a concerned one. Her eyes were glossy.

They walked out of the home and towards the garage, where his mom's car was parked.

They hopped into the car. His mom was sitting with her fingers tightened around the steering wheel.

" Tae," she called him. " Please just talk to me".

He chuckled softly, making her frown.

" Mom, what are you talking about?"

She looked at him baffled, seeing that innocent smile gracing his handsome face. She smiled back at him.

She ignited the engine and started towards the school where she needed to drop him before she could go to the company.

Throughout the drive, her gaze was flickering between the road and her son who was staring out of the window.

But the silence in the car was beginning to sicken her. And there were ten more minutes to go.

She was contemplating whether she should start a conversation.

" Tae", she called him hesitantly.

He didn't even spare her a look. She felt her throat burning.

" Baby", she tried again. " Please talk to me".

He turned to her with a questioning glance.

" Is it a must that we should go to Daegu today itself?", she asked carefully.

Tae nodded. " I wanted to go. I thought you said that it's okay with you to go", he said. " If you are busy, you need not come. I told you that I am fine on my own".

She shakes her head immediately.
" No", she said quickly. " It's not like that baby. You know, I was just asking. After all, it's a little bit of a surprise for me. You just told me this morning. So I was thinking maybe we could go tomorrow or-"

" No mom", he said, cutting her off. " I already told you that if you don't want to, then you need not accompany me. I can take care of myself. And I'm going to Grandma's house. Then you need not come".

She sighed. " Okay I understand", she said as he stared at waiting for her to complete the sentence.

" When do you need to pick you up?", she asked as she focused on the road.

He sighed. " At one'o' clock", he said as he stared at his school complex. " Give me a call once you reach the parking lot".

She nodded as she pulled into the compound and stopped it in front of the portico instead of going to the parking lot.

He gave her a slight nod before opening the door and sliding out after taking his bag from the back seat.

And he waited for his mom to start the car and drive away.

And he waited for the vehicle to disappear from his sight before turning around and walking towards the building.

He pulled out a small smile before he slid open the door of his classroom. As soon as he stepped in everyone's attention was on him.

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