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" Is it me just making a misunderstanding or is Jimin actually taking another long break from school?"

It was Youngjae who started with a topic which most of them were avoiding actually.

It's not that they haven't noticed yet how Jimin has been missing from the classes for a few days now. They are sure that the boy is not even coming to school these days. But most of them chose to not acknowledge the fact. And their reasons were surely different.

But even though they have to do something about the concerned matter, they thought that maybe Jimin has a genuine reason for skipping school like this.

But it's already been several days and it's high time the matter needed to be looked into and they cannot still believe that Jimin is starting with the same nonsense again, after all the mess he got into at the end of last year.

" Couldn't he be a little more mature and responsible?", Jinyoung voiced out, showing his disagreement with the way the younger blonde has been acting.

Meanwhile Hoseok kept his mouth shut, rolling his eyes. He stared around the table, his mind drifting to that wretched day weeks ago. How he messed up everything and let the boy take control over him!

He kept his contempt for the boy in control though. He has gotten enough of everything that day. Now for days he has been struggling to keep everything to himself and not just let out something about Jimin to the rest of the boys.

Truth to be told, he really wants to do something about the matter, to at least have some peace for his riled up mind after it was messed up so badly by that manipulative bitch that day.

Hoseok is still enraged with him. He really wants to do something about the situation and make Jimin pay for what he has made him go through since everything has gone downhill weeks ago.

But the younger one has been absent from the school ever since that day. And Hoseok really has no idea what's happening with him. He had no idea about the younger's whereabouts.

None of them actually had his address even. They know that Yoongi and Jimin were neighbours in the past, but Jimin has already moved out of his old house which was near to Yoongi's and now even Yoongi has no idea where Jimin is living currently.

And there are a million times Hoseok was tempted to tell the secret to Yoongi not wanting to keep everything to himself. And Jimin being always out of their presence was also a plus point.

And Hoseok was actually hoping that maybe Jimin would never know about it if he were to disclose everything to Yoongi.

But he was still sceptical about that idea because what if things did not happen according to his plan?

And what will happen if when he tells Yoongi about it and his boyfriend does something stupid in his rage. But knowing Yoongi, Hoseok is not really sure if Jimin would be the one who would be blamed for everything that has been happening around.

Hoseok has already seen Taehyung a few times this week itself and that's something concerning. And he has no idea what this boy is actually planning to do with coming in contact with the crowd he seems to hate so much before.

And the irritated glare that Taehyung used to throw his way whenever their eyes met was still nothing compared to that calming silence of Park Jimin before the storm befall on him that day.

" I think it's more than a week since i've last seen him", Jin sighed, as he inhaled sharply his voice laced with concern for the younger.

Hoseok just sighed, done with their fake concern and tenderness. He rolled his eyes again, the discomfort rising but he hid well not wanting to get into another tough situation now.

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