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      Tae stared out of the window from where he sat on a stool at the kitchen counter. 

     Another day has ended and his hopes of seeing the blonde died once more. Yet he couldn't still blame him for keeping the distance.

     He gritted his teeth, as his fingers curled tightly around the cup of hot chocolate placed before him on the counter. He soon shifted his eyes from the darkness outside of the window to his drink which was just the plain drink with no toppings or chips like he liked to have it.

     He sighed sadly as he looked at it even though he should be proud as it's his first time to make something on his own but he was still dissatisfied with the results of his first kitchen endeavor because this was not how he was hoping things would go when the idea formed in his head that evening.

    Tae huffed as he retreated his fingers from the cup. He was indecisive about taking a sip at least to check how it turns out. But he was not feeling like it.

     He was getting frustrated at himself at this point. And he couldn't believe that he is getting upset over a failed attempt to prepare a homemade hot chocolate and has to satisfy himself with the Powdered one that he finally managed to make.

    It was just that evening when he finally came back home after another trying day, after burning all his energy at the practice and then making another trip to the rooftop just in the hope of finding Jimin there. 

     And maybe it's because of his longingness for his best friend that he decided to make some hot chocolate using the same recipe Jimin has taught him before.

    But it seems he was pretty hopeless and useless in the kitchen and he has managed to screw up the preparation even though it was such a simple process.

     This unprecedented attempt ended up with him dumping all the contents in the sauce pan into the trash can along with the marshmallows and chocolate chips which he could have reserved for the later use. But he was too angry and mad to think straight.

    But the idea of making hot chocolate was so pressing in his head that he resorted to the much easier way to make a new cup, and that was to use the hot chocolate powder that Hyunjin had gotten from the store a few days ago. 

    But since he has dumped all the marshmallows and chips he has nothing to use as the topping and he was too lazy to try and find something new as well.

    But the whole process of doing such a simple thing as preparing a drink has managed to upset him more than he thought it could. 

    Even though he finds it weird and annoying, nothing could stop him from getting more sad and pathetic.

    He missed him so much, he wouldn't even deny it. The feeling of longing for him was getting a lot worse to the point he had occasional breakdowns on the rooftop this week.

     And each time he has finally managed to calm himself down, he has been scolding himself for hoping to see Jimin making his way through the door. But nothing of the sort happened and the disappointment it brought to the red haired boy was way too much.

    The football practice has started as per the announcement that has been and it only added more to his stress. But still he could say without any kind of doubt that he was doing a good job.

   After all, he didn't try out for the team to just mop around and disappoint those people who had put so much trust in him. He could never do something like that.

     The practice itself was not the thing that was stressing him but the amount of attention he was getting even before the season really started. Tae was okay with everything even though the practice sessions were not anything like a free fall. 

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