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Both of them instantly pulled back, startled by the sudden intrusion.

With equally beating hearts they turned their heads to the direction of the voice only to see the one and only Jung Hoseok leaning on the wall, while a smirk dancing in his face.

Tae gulped hard, overwhelmed by the situation. He knew this was really bad news. Why is it happening now?

He rubbed his temple harshly Frustrated with the sudden drama again after he thought things are getting better now.

But it seems like it's not going to happen any time soon. And he has no idea what to do now.

Tae looked on as the intruder was still staring at them with a wide grin and it was creeping him out.

Tae slowly turned to his soulmate, his mind already going crazy. No. He is not yet ready for another drama now.

Why can't he ever get a break from all this stupid people?

Tae has no idea what's going to happen now. Jimin is already upset because of this guy to the point he was planning to get revenge. And it really took him a lot of effort to make him calm down and just drop the idea.

But now?

Now this fucker has to emerge out of blue and stir up trouble with him. Oh god! How much messier can things get at this point?

Tae sighed in annoyance, all his patience running out. But what should he do now?

He sighed softly, his nerves kicking as he glanced between the two former friends who are now glaring at each other as if Tae wasn't even present there.

He bit his lips nervously, his insides churning and he was getting frustrated with the thought of what is going to happen next.

Tae was sure that it's all going to end up in a disaster. But he was not sure if he could even do something to make things less harmful. But it's as if he was frozen in time with the two others staring at each other straight in the eyes.

These two aren't even blinking!

Tae bit his lips harshly, nervousness filling in. But to his surprise, Jimin remained completely unfazed even when he was faced with his friend who had a victorious grin on his face.

And finally it was Hoseok who made the first move, as he slowly teared his gaze away from Jimin and glanced at Tae.

He chuckled widely as he slowly walked towards the two boys who were standing beside each other staring at him with different kinds of emotions.

And Hoseok couldn't even understand what Jimin was thinking at the moment. Because the blonde's face was devoid of any kind emotions whilst surprisingly the supposedly cold hearted boy of Bangtan couldn't even suppress his nervousness as he glanced warily at the approaching boy.

But what Hoseok has no idea about was that Tae was not being nervous for getting caught by him but because of the worry of how things are going to end, with Jimin already on his edge and Hoseok even triggering his emotions with his annoying smirk and overflowing confidence.

While Tae was scared because he had no idea how to deal with this Jimin was calm Because unlike his soulmate he has a clear idea formed long ago if such a situation ever arises. And he was going to stand upright and do what's necessary instead of cowering away.

" Finally, after waiting for long I got to see you two together", Hoseok said finally putting an end to the sickening silence, and he had that smirk plastered on his face which made the youngest among the three even more restless.

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