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He was exasperated. He didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. He is not sure of his own feelings.

At one point he feels the anger surging up. But the next moment he feels so weak and sad. And this cycle keeps repeating and this is driving him crazy.

He looked around the table, eyes scanning their happy carefree faces while their laughter and chatter ringing in his ears.

He was surrounded by people whom he called his friends. But he was feeling lonely.

Is it to feel lonely in a crowd?

He sighed again. He wasn't alone. He has people around him who care about him. Or so he thought.

But it seems like it was just his illusions that they actually cared about him.

They are currently in the cafeteria having lunch. But the atmosphere is more lively today. After all, they finally get to have a peaceful lunch break after two nerve racking weeks of intense cramming and all nighters.

Exams are finally over and they finally get to relax and catch up with things they missed these two weeks.

All his friends seem happy to be together again without having to worry about anything . But that wasn't the case with everyone.

Jimin frowned unconsciously, but thankfully nobody noticed him. He didn't want to be here right now.

During the exam period, he was so busy with his studies that he didn't have time to ponder over his broken heart.

Jimin somehow managed to push away all the things he didn't want to remember.

He engrossed himself with studies and tried best not to care about anything that could distract him. He forced himself to focus only on the studies and thus he was able to not think about the issue.

But now Jimin has nothing to keep him distracted. And also he can't avoid or stay away from his friends.

The last two weeks, he rarely saw them, reasoning that he had a lot of sessions left to complete before the exams.

But now even if he wants to be away from everything that could make him upset or angry, still he couldn't do it because he doesn't know what alibi he would have to come up with for ditching their bonding time.

Jimin scoffed irritatedly.

There's actually no real bonding between them. Then how do they still manage to stay together?

Just because they are used to it.

And if he became a little more bold and ignored them to stop himself from going crazy, they would surely be suspicious. And he doesn't want to deal with something like that.

He watched his friends carefully. And none of them even seemed to care about or even notice his long silence.

It's really such a surprise that they haven't actually noticed him till now. Their friend, who is not used to keeping his mouth shut for a second when they are together, has not opened his mouth ever since he joined them for lunch.

And they still haven't said anything about it or asked him if everything is alright.

He scoffed.

Am I really this much irrelevant to them?

If it was some other time, Jimin would have made a fuss out of it. But now he is feeling grateful for their ignorance because he doesn't have to pretend to be happy around them when he was feeling desolate and grief.

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