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It was early in the morning and she was having her morning coffee in the kitchen as usual when Tae approached her.

But to her surprise there was nothing unusual about him. Just like when she saw him the last time.

She stared at him puzzled as he gave her a beautiful smile and he appeared to be cheerful and happier like always.

She inspected his face closely but there were no signs of tiredness or sadness in his face.

It was like the last two days had not even happened. He was acting as if he was not staying locked up in his room and crying for the last two days. Everything about him was fine and normal. But instead of making her relax or relieved, this sight only scared her more.

The thought of him still trying to hide everything makes her more sad. Even when he was trying to remain calm and serene, she could clearly see it. She could sense an unknown pain hidden behind that pretty smile adorned his handsome face.

That beautiful smile that she adores so much was tainted with the hurt that he was trying to hide from her. And she felt even more hurt seeing him trying to hide his pain from his mom.

But instead of bombarding him with all the questions like she wanted to do actually, she decided to wait for him to speak.

" Mom", he trailed off, lowering his head and staring at the floor.

She just hummed in response, trying not to cry seeing him again trying to act as if nothing was bothering him.

" What is it?", she finally decided to go with it whilst trying to sound firm so that he wouldn't understand how much she is feeling down and feel more guilty.

" I want to visit Grandma", he said in a mere whisper as he fixed his gaze on the floor without bothering to look up at her face.

She looked at him surprised by his demand. Of course she knows how much he likes to visit his Grandmother's house in Daegu. The boy has always had a soft spot for that place ever since he was a kid.

And growing up he still loves to visit the place whenever he gets a chance.

But she was still puzzled by the demand that came out of the blue. Why would Tae have a sudden urge to visit Daegu when the school has just started?

She looked at the boy who was still refusing to meet her gaze as his eyes were roaming around the room but never in her direction.

" I really miss her a lot. I will come back on my own. But this visit will be a little longer than usual", he said in a soft voice making her furrow her brows in confusion.

She could get a faint clue of what he is trying to do. But she decided not to interrogate or advise him.

If he was not ready to open up and be honest with her then she could only go with the flow.

" I'll come with you", she said as she looked at his face which was downcast.

But the next instant he looked at her, panic evident in his eyes and posture.

" No need", he blurted out instantly making her frown and he looked away avoiding her sharp gaze.

" You can't just leave like that. You have a company to take care", he added after a little while.

But she has already decided.

" No", she shakes her head disagreeing. " I could manage the company from there as well. I need not necessarily be here to take care of everything", she said while looking at her boy who has a distressed look on his face.

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