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Bangtan, the prestigious private school in Seoul.

The start of another busy day.

The chatter and noises of students filled the air.

   And as usual, the majority of students have crowded the cafeteria having some morning snacks and juicy gossip.

" Why is it so quiet today?", one among the groups of girls asked, looking around but huffing when she couldn't find what she was looking for.

One of her three friends present at the table looked up.

" Yep! Today is no fun. It's really quiet", she piped in while she took a sip of her coffee. 

   After all, you need some coffee in your system to keep you awake during the awaiting hours of boring lectures and tedious routine.

" Just say that you miss those silly fights", another one who was busy going through the assignment that she was supposed to submit said.

The other two turned to her instantly.

" Silly?" one of them started scoffing.
" How dare you call them silly?"

" No, I didn't mean it like that", the other defended herself. " I was just saying that they are always fighting for silly reasons. I didn't say that they are silly. Don't put words in my mouth".

" Stop it guys," the fourth one who was keeping herself away from the morning bustle spoke up, already annoyed. 

" It's you guys now being silly not them", she said.

But the other three ignored her. But someone didn't.

" Whom are you calling silly?"

    A voice boomed from behind them and the four girls turned around abruptly startled by the intruder and almost scared as anyone in Bangtan is well familiar with the owner of that sweet voice.

   They all smiled at the blonde who was standing there with a sweet smile and his hands tucked in his pocket.

   They tried to comprehend the situation that they have got themselves into.

   The sweet smile gracing the boy's face was enchanting.

   But if they were not really aware of the boy's good reputation in the school they wouldn't have been so nervous.

  Because that sweet smiling intruder was not at all as sweet as he seemed.

" Hey Jimin, one of them managed to stutter out. " What brings you here?"

  He didn't respond but remained still, in other words he was not ready to spare them until he got the answer for his question.

" Oh no", one of them upon realisation rushed to defend themselves. " We were not referring to you as silly", she managed to say despite the nervousness. " We would never do that".

But Jimin tilted his head. " But I thought I heard.." he trails off.

" Wait", he paused suddenly, his demeanor instantly changing. The domineering aura long gone and the smile on his face is now really sweet and less nerve racking.

" By silly, were you mentioning Hyunjin, perhaps?", he asked.

     The four girls stiffened. It's not what they meant at all. The boy now is trying to put them in more trouble. They could just hope that the mentioned wouldn't appear from nowhere suddenly just like the smiling blonde before them.

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