~Party hard <3 ~

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Raine's POV:

I arrived at Cameron's mansion and knocked on their big door. Rafe opened the door I was surprised to see him "Oh hey Rafe Uhm is Sarah home?" I said "Ya she's upstairs," he said then walked away whats got him in a bitchy mood? I shut the door and walked up to their spiral stairs. I made my way over to Sarah's room I knocked on her door before she pulled me into her room. 

I plopped myself onto her bed laying on my back staring at the roof. "My mom won't let me throw a party at our house" I sighed " you can always use our house" Sarah shrugged "Wait really!" I squealed in excitement "Ya no problem!" 


The party grew loader and loader before I felt someone tap my shoulder "Hey you cool if I leave with Topper?" The Cameron girl spoke out. "Ya, it's fine!" I shouted over the loud music happy she wasn't going to see what was going on in her house. 

I saw Sarah drive off with Topper everyone started drinking so I joined in before I knew it I already took 7 shots. 


I woke up with my head pounding seeing people gone and they didn't even bother to pick up any of their stuff "Doesn't anyone pick up after themselves" I scoffed under my breath throwing 3 red solo cups into the trash bag. I took a look around to see the damage a broken window couple of broken chairs "well well, Ward would be pleased to know that his daughter's best friend wrecked his beloved home." Rafe spoke out making me snap out of my trans "No Rafe please don't I'll do anything!!!" I said trying to get out of the trouble I'd be in "anything?" rafe questions "anything. I promise"  I said again  "Fine you have to date me." I laughed at his words  " what does that have to do with anything?" I asked "My dad said I have to find a girl with her shit together if not I can't live at home."  he responded, "What makes you think I have my shit together, and why me?" I questioned again "Seeing as you owe me.." he tried to explain "Fine, Sarah has to know though!" I told him "Sarah doesn't need to know shit! she will believe what everyone else thinks that were together and we just need to hang out around friends and family."  He told me "We can't kiss..." I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me but his hysterical laughing told me otherwise "Why? The princess is scared she'll fall in love with me?" I put my head down "Oh shit! you haven't had your first kiss yet! He laughed I felt a single teardrop I quickly wiped it off and turned my back to him.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry but what will people think if I'm not allowed to touch you?" he said seriously "You can hold my hand and do all the normal stuff just no kissing," I told him. He pulled me into him and whispered in my ear "Okay princess I won't kiss." He said kissing my cheek. 

(Hi guys this is my first story so I hope you like it!)

Fake love -Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now