~Sleepover <3 ~

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Raine's POV

I pulled into my driveway and turned off the truck, we got out and started to walk towards the house. We walked inside and went up to my room "Is your mom cool with me being here?" Rafe asked, "She's on a girl's week with some friends of hers." I told Rafe. 

He sat on my bed and started to go on his phone "Okay so ima go shower make yourself at home!" I grabbed a towel and a pair of shorts and a crop top. 


I got out of the shower and walked out to see rafe still sitting against my wood headboard on his phone. He looked up to see me standing in the bathroom doorway and I gave him a soft smile. He scooted over to the left side of the bed and I climbed in the right side laid down on the bed and plugged in my phone and flicked off the lamp. I felt Rafe lay down due to the left side sinking in he put his arm over my waist and pulled me into him I got more comfortable and soon after I felt my eyes grow heavy and I was asleep.


I woke up to the sunlight coming threw my curtins I felt Rafes body shift so I knew he was awake I turned around so I would be facing him I looked into his eyes and he said "Hi" in a tired raspy voice (I can only imagine rafes morning voice being so hot!!) "Hey" I said with a tired morning voice. 

Rafes POV:

I woke up in Raines bed,  felt her body against mine she was snuggled up to me lowkey never wanted it to end I'm pretty sure she felt my body shift so she rolled over God she was so pretty in the morning wait was I falling for her this was supposed to be fake I can't catch feelings now! "hey" she whispered to me god she had a hot morning voice! 

Raines POV

My phone started to beep I grabbed it from my night stand and checked what it said :

Mom <3

Mom: Hey I'm coming home today for midsummers be there in a hour

Me: Okay cya soon 

Mom: luv ya Raine

Me: Love you 2.

"Who is it?" Rafe asked "Oh just my mom she's gonna be here in an hour so she can get ready for midsummers" I told him "Hey is it okay if I shower here I'll go home after" He said "Ya of course Im just gonna start getting ready anyways I'll go put some coffee on." I said "K thanks" He kissed my cheak before going into the bathroom .

I got up and stretched out my arms I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to go make coffee. Once the coffee was brewing I went back upstairs I started texting Sarah saying she should come over in a hour to get ready 

Sarah my Bae <3  

Me: Hey you should come over in a hour to get ready for tonight 

Sarah: ya Ofc I will I'll be there in like a hour if not a hour & a half 

Me: K cya ly!

Sarah: Ly 2! 

Rafe walked out in his towel and once I saw him I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands "I'm sorry probably shouldn't have seen that" I said to embarssed to look at him  he tapped my shoulder and I looked at him "It's okay really I just needed my sweat pants and a shirt" He chuckled 

Fake love -Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now