Fight night

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Raine's POV: 

It was now 5:45 and Rafe was picking me up at 6:00 since it didn't take long for me to get dressed I just sat on my phone till now. I went over to my closet and started to look at things to wear I finally found something to wear to the movie night 

Your outfit:

I left my hair down and it did its natural wave I put on some light mascara

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I left my hair down and it did its natural wave I put on some light mascara. I heard a honk from outside so I slipped on my converse and grabbed my phone. "Bye, mom!" I said before running out to see rafe waiting for me in his car. I hoped in the passenger seat and buckled "Wheres Sarah and Topper?" I asked looking in the back not seeing anyone "They decided to take Sarah's car they'll meet us there. 


We pulled up into the parking lot and got out we parked next to Sarah and Topper who were just getting out. I looked over to Sarah and smiled she gave me a little nod and I remembered our conversation. 

"I really don't wanna go with Topper to midsummers!" Sarah said 

"Oh, I see..." I told her 

"See what?" she asked 

"Whenever you lose feelings you say stuff like I don't wanna go or, they  are annoying, you've done it with every one of your bf's." I explained, "So who is it?" 

"Who is what?" she asked 

"The boy! Who is he?" I asked once more 

She sighed but finally said "John B...." 

"No way! He is really hot though" I chuckled 

"Wait your not mad?" she asked 

"No of course not he makes you happy so I'm happy for you!" 

I knew she didn't want to go with topper and that she was miserable but she put on a smile and we walked onto the grassy area. Me and Sarah grabbed some good seats while the boys got the snacks. "So you haven't told him yet have you?" I asked Sarah getting ready to answer but we were interrupted by the boys coming back "Told who what?" Topper asked "Oh it's nothing" I reassured him Me and Sarah sat in the middle of the boys and the boys at the ends. The movies started to play and Rafe held my hand through it all He never really held my hand before but I got butterflies instantly. Halfway into the movie, I saw Rafe trying to get Topper's attention once he did he pointed to the screen and the boys got up and started walking, I grabbed rafes hand before he could go any further "Where are you going?" I asked trying not to disturb the people around us "we will be right back" he said before getting out of my hold and walking to the back of the screen. a few seconds later it went up in flames causing me and Sarah to jump out of our seats we ran over towards the parking lot. By now most of the people had left but we still waited for Rafe and Topper I called rafe and Sarah called Topper no answer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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