Eggs, Toast, Bacon.

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Raine's POV:

I woke up to a loud slam from downstairs, Rafe turned to me and goes "Shit, that's probably my dad he won't be happy we ditched midsummers last night" "Uhm what am I supposed to do I can't sneak out your window I'll die if I did that drop!" I asked starting to panic "Go to Sarah's room she's got a drop that won't hurt as bad!" He told me seeing as my anxiety levels were about to shoot through the roof. I gave Rafe a kiss on the cheek before running out of his room into Sarah's. "Rafe!, Sarah!" Ward called out he was about to come into Sarah's room where I was currently halfway out the window but Rafe stepped out of his room just in time. I climbed out of the window and onto the roof where I jumped down and ran as fast as I could, away from the Cameron's home.

Rafe's POV: 

I could hear Ward getting closer and closer I knew he'd walk into Sarah's room first because she was the favorite but Raine was in there not Sarah. I leaped from my bed and scrambled out into the hallway where Ward was about to open the door, I knew by coming out of my room meant I was in deep shit and was gonna get my ass kicked for ditching midsummers. 


Raine's POV: 

I finally made it home, I went through the backyard to avoid my mom but just as I was in the backyard about to go to the front my mom was pulling up to the front "Fuck!" I murmured to myself. She got out of her car and started making her way towards me I ran to the side of the house and started to climb the tree that was right by my window, As soon as I got up to my window I pushed it open and climbed through "What's with me and climbing through windows today" I thought to myself. Once I was halfway in the window I clasped onto the floor causing my mom to hear me she started to walk up the stairs and towards my room "Raine you awake?" My mother asked "I scrambled to get into my bed I made it just in time to act like I just woke up. Of course, my mom came barging through the door not knocking. I acted like I just woke up "Hey mom" I said fake yawning and stretching out my arms "Oh so you are awake, come downstairs and make breakfast please." I sat up and she stood up & walked to the door before she was all the way out she looked back at me and said "Cute shirt I swear I've seen it before" she said giving me a wink. 

"I walked downstairs and started making scrambled eggs, I also made toast, bacon, and coffee I usually did most of the cooking the only thing my mom knows how to make is coffee, mac & cheese, and cup of noodles. "Breakfast is done!-" I yelled but being interrupted by a knock on the door "I'll get it," I said making my way over to the door, "Oh hey Rafe." I said surprised to see him. "hey," he said pulling me into a hug well knowing my mom was watching. "Come in!" I said gesturing for him to come inside, I walked back over to the kitchen and he followed close behind me sitting down at the kitchen Island. "So what's up?" I asked fixing him a plate so he could eat I knew he didn't eat much at home because ward would come in and yell at him for stuff he didn't do, "Well you know how Outter Banks always does the outdoor movie night?" he said, "Ya ofc I do I go every year" I responded, "well I was thinking we could go together and Sarah and Topper could join like a double date sort of thing..." he said looking at the ground because it was our first date date as a fake couple we would set up and not my mom or Ward "I'd love to Rafe." 

(Hey guys Ik this was a short chapter but I will make the next one longer! Word count  717)

Fake love -Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now