+~ Midsummers ~+

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Raine's POV:

By this time Rafe had left and Sarah had just shown up it was currently 2:00 midsummers was at 4:00.  "So are you and my brother matching?" Sarah asked I knew she was still kinda weird out about her best friend dating her brother ."Ya, his tie will match my dress." I said kinda blushing. 

Your dress:

Your dress:

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Your hair: 

(And your make up was some light mascara and some clear lipgloss with some blush)

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(And your make up was some light mascara and some clear lipgloss with some blush)

"You look like a goddess Raine!" Sarah said, "Girl you too!" returned the compliment "Rafe is gonna freak when he sees you!" my phone alarm went off telling me it was 3:50 meaning we have to go "my mom's meeting us there so let's go before we're late!" I told Sarah grabbing my phone and my tiny purse that matched my dress perfectly. 


We arrived at midsummers to see my mom and the Camerons outside waiting for us so we could be introduced altogether. I got out of the car to see Rafe waiting for me, his jaw actually dropped when he saw me. "Hey Rafe I think you got a little drool there," Wheezie said pointing towards his mouth "Oh shut it Smeezie" Rafe responded. 

I walked over towards Rafe and he kissed my cheek "You look absolutely stunning" He whispered into my ear "Not too shabby yourself Mr. Cameron" I said fixing his tie that matched my dress. I saw my mom and Ward walk over to me and Rafe "Okay so we're having you two walk-in together this year so link arms and put on a smile please." Ward said. 

He walked away with my mom and I mumbled "What if I frown you gonna throw me in your dungeon?" Rafe laughed at my mumbled words. Everyone was introduced now it was just me and Rafe he looked at me and saw I was very anxious "Hey, it's okay Raine, your gonna be okay" He gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded as we walked in together.


We were about an hour into the party when Ward made a toast " I would like my son and his girlfriend Raine to please take the dance floor" I looked shocked so did Rafe furious with his father for not telling him about this. I gulped and then took Rafes hand onto the floor we started dancing while everyone was staring at us he held me close to him both hands on my waist and my hands wrapped around his neck. we danced for a while before Ward said everyone may join in the slow song together. Me and Rafe walked off the dance floor and over to the bar "4 shots please!" I asked the bartender "Who else wanted a shot?" "Me." I took each shot "Ima need them to get me threw tonight." 


3 hours into midsummers and Sarah and topper already ditched us I was hammered drunk. I was currently dancing with the Cameron boy, "oh shit!" I ran off the dance floor and inside, I ran into the bathroom Rafe close behind me making sure I was okay. I ran in first leaning over the toilet and Rafe ran in and grabbed my hair. He started to rub my back and get me water it was the first time he ever really cared for someone. once I was done puking my guts out I leaned back on Rafe and he put his arm's around my waist I was too exhausted to move so all I said was "thanks" before falling asleep in his arms. 


I woke up to a car door shutting and someone caring me inside a huge house, Oh wait this wasn't an ordinary house this was the Camerons, and that meant the person caring for me had to be rafe. 

he was carrying me bridal style up to his room. Once we reached his room he sat me on his bed I was pretty awake by now so I started talking to him "you really didn't have to take me home" I told him my words slurred because I was hammered "It's fine, I'm gonna get you a t-shirt and some sweats to sleep in" he said I took off my heels and tossed them over by the door. Rafe brought me some clothes I could wear "Uhm where do I change?" I asked him "I'll just cover my eyes!" he said turning around putting his hands over his eyes. It's weird I felt so safe with him, I took off my dress and slipped on his t-shirt which was more like a dress for me, and his sweat pants. "Okay I'm done," I said causing him to turn around I climbed back into Rafes bed and waited for him to lay down, I turned towards him so I was facing him and cuddled up to him. I felt the warmth of Rafe's body next to mine holy shit... Was I falling for a Cameron... 

(hey guys hope you like this chapter the next few chapters will get spicy! Word count: 889)

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