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Raines POV: 

I woke up to my mom shouting my name "Raine come downstairs!" I yawned looking at the time it read 11:00 am  I rubbed my eyes before my mom yelling my name again "Raine hurry!" I fixed my dirty blond hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom pouring coffee into 3 cups "What's with the three cups?" I asked "Someones here." she responded with "who'd rather be here than sleeping?" I mumbled making her giggle at my words I walked into the living room to see rafe standing there "Hey" he said "Hi" I gave him a smirk we sat down on the couch then my mom came in and gave us our cups " so rafe what are you doing here?" my mom asked "Raine and I have some news we'd like to tell you, Raine and I are officially a couple!" he said I chocked on my coffee I felt their eyes on me so I put my head up and put my hand on his knee, He jumped as soon as my hand made contact with his knee not expecting me to do that.

My mom looked at us with so many questions "When, How, Why now and not 2 years ago?"  my mother questioned, I looked at rafe waiting for him to answer. "Well I'd actually been asking her for the past year but she only now said yes." I choked on my coffee once more knowing I'd be questioned for that later. "Mhmm sure." my mother said giving me the death stare. "Hey, Raine you should show rafe your room!" My eyes grew huge at her words I stood up and took rafes hand to my room. we walked up the stairs and took a left to reveal this wooden door. I opened it and said "So this is my room" I gestured into it. Rafe walked in looking at everything he sat on my bed and looked at me I was still standing "We've got to get our story straight." he said "let's just say I got drunk at my birthday party and we hooked up" I shrugged, of course, he laughed at that "Raine be realistic you haven't even had your first kiss and your a virgin" His words stung like a bee sting "I am not and how would you know!? Wait don't tell me you've asked people!" Trying to hold back the tears " No, no I just heard you and Sarah talking in the kitchen one day." Of course, he had to listen to our conversations. "and besides getting drunk and hooking up your best friend's brother is something YOU would do." he chuckled. Those words were the ones that stung the most. "Rafe, just leave please!"  I said shoving him out of my room "but-" He tried to speak "No rafe go!" I slammed my door in his face and ran back over to my bed.  I shoved my face in my pillow and started to cry in it before I knew it I was asleep. 


I woke up to my phone beeping with texts 5 from Sarah 2 from Rafe. Sarah's wanted to know what I was wearing  Rafes was telling me he would pick me up in a hour. I stretched out my arms went to go shower. After my shower, I told Sarah I was wearing a black crop top and high-waisted jean shorts. I brushed out my hair and put it into a high ponytail pulling the front strings out of the ponytail. I put on light mascara, I heard Rafe honk from outside so I grabbed my phone and walked out of the house. I got into the passenger seat and looked behind me to see Sarah, Topper, and Kelace. 


Once we were at the party I and Sarah were kinda acting awkward because we didn't know what to do. I personally didn't have a problem with the pogues actually I was friends with Kiara. I saw her sitting by the fire all by her self so I went over and joined her she liked me because I wasn't a rich snob and didn't have that much money I was a middle-class person. I sat by her on the log and when she saw me she hugged me "Hey Kie!" I said "Hey Raine!" she said " we started to talk for a bit but eventually  we ended up leaving and going our separate ways I went back to Rafe I was drinking some beer out of a solo cup when Sarah tapped me on the shoulder "Hey, is it okay if I leave with Topper?" She asked "Ya of course!" I said as they were walking out JJ stopped Sarah to ask if she wanted a drink, Topper smacked the drink out of JJ's hand and then pushed him John b pushed Topper back and after that push, they broke out into a fight.

I ran over to them but someone tried to grab my wrist I slipped out of their hold running over to Topper trying to break up the fight I went behind Topper to get him off of John B but he pushed me back causing me to stumble into someone's arms. They grabbed my waist with their huge strong hands their grip growing tighter every time I tried to get out. Topper then started to drown John B. I kept trying to get out of the hold but he wasn't letting go I instantly knew it was Rafe. "Fuck. Rafe let me go! Can't you see he's drowning him!" I yelled "And If I let you go what are you gonna do fight them? you're just gonna get hurt!" He spoke I kept trying to break free. JJ pulled out a gun and screamed "EVERYBODY SHUT UP!"  I turned around to hug rafe tight his hold losing on my waist. The gun was now pointed at Toppers head he dropped John B. I was shaking and the only comfort I felt was Rafe. Rafe grabbed Topper and the rest of us as we went back to the truck. We were all standing around the truck none of us breaking the silence Then rafe turned to me and said "You could've gotten really hurt Raine" "WHY are you telling me this Topper is the one who had a GUN! Pointed at his head!!" I turned to rafe looking him straight in the eye. We stood in silence again this time Kelace breaking the silence "Well we've got to go home can you guys drop us off?" "Ya ima stay with topper tonight," Sarah said "Okay let's go then" Rafe and the rest of the boys got into the truck then they noticed me and Sarah didn't move. "Are you coming?" rafe asked "Ya but I'm driving I haven't drank anything but water and 1 beer," I said the boys looked at rafe In shook rafe was famous for not letting anyone drive his truck. "Fine." He threw me the key and then he proceeded to get onto the passenger's side. 

We dropped off Kelace and then Sarah and Topper so it was just me and Rafe, Rafe turned to me and said: "Is it cool if I stay at your's tonight I'm not in the mood to see my dad..?" "Ya of course it's fine!" I said pulling out of toppers driveway driving to my house. 

(This is it for this chapter!) Word count 1255

Fake love -Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now