Chapter 5 - Steph's

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I walked downstairs to get something to drink. I assumed that everyone was still asleep. I rub my head and recollect the dreams from last night. I remember a flash and my biological father standing before me with a belt. I leaned against the counter covering my face. That was not a dream. That was a nightmare. I look down at the counter to see a green note.

Namakura CO. Isn't going to start itself. Be back tonight. If you need anything ask Rebecca. Ask her about the town before you go out job hunting. Love you doll have a great day - Daddy

For some odd reason I didn't feel comfortable with Rebecca. Yeah, she's a little old lady;she isn't going to hurt anyone, but no one needs to be listening to all our conversations either. I didn't warm to her and did not plan on it. I crossed my arms and looked at the clock. Oh I slept in 'till noon.

I look in the fridge and see it filled with everything we would have had back in New York. I grabbed an apple and walked towards the kitchen table. I sat taking out my phone. No messages. Where is Rebecca? Just as I was about to get up and look for her I hear her come down the steps and I stay sitting. She walks into the kitchen with a warm smile on her face and a basket of laundry. "Morning love," She says putting the basket on the counter and looking at the note.

"Job hunting huh?" She laughs. "What would you want to work?" She asks.

I have never thought about that. "Is there any kind of bookstore?" I ask quietly not wanting to talk to her at all.

"A library maybe?" she asks moving her glasses a tad and then looking out the window. We sit there for a minute thinking. Then a look of realization hits her face.

"You are an artist," She says completely excited. I look at her plainly. Tell me something I don't know. "There is an art store, and I betcha know tons about dem brushes and things dontcha love?" She says smiling.

She's right. There wasn't a good art store in New York, I ordered everything I needed online. "Where is that?" I ask. She gets a pen from the cup of pens on the side counter. She writes something on the piece of paper my dad left on the counter. She slides it towards me and I get up and take it.

"The main street in town, Kayton Ave. There's an old art store. They seem to be always hiring," She says smiling and taking the basket. "Good luck ma'dear," She licks her chapped lips and walks to the laundry room.


I listen to the radio on the way there and look at my finger nails. Hangnails on each finger. One of my nails with a drop of dried blood caked onto the side of the nail. I shook my head. Damn it Quinn. I tried to concentrate on the road. I drove a bit slowly ad tried to look at the store names. Then I saw the art store. It was called Steph's.There was not one of these in New York. I parked and looked in the mirror fixing my hair. I exhaled and got out of the car.

There was a 'help wanted' sign. I walked in and the little bell above the door rang. It was a sh** hole but a nice welcoming sh** hole. I looked at the one register counter. It was a small store. I walked up to the counter and a girl with short blond hair smiled.

"Hello there! Welcome to Steph's what can I do ya?" She asked a little too happy.

"You're hiring right?" I asked tying to give a small smile.

Her eyes widened in excitement. Oh no what did I do?.. "OH MY-YES WE ARE," She said almost yelling. I took a step back.

"Uh..can I have an applicati-" She interrupted way too excited and put her hand up. "No. You're hired," No you're desperate. The thought made me grin.

"I'm Zeeda," She smiled big continued before I could share my name, "When can you start? Oh you'll wanna meet Steph! OH You'll wanna tour right? Right?" She looked at me. You done chaty Cathy?

I looked at her amazed with how quickly this woman spoke. "uh.." Before I could finish an older voice from behind me spoke and I turned to see an older woman holding a box of what looked like paint.

"Zeeda, calm down for Christ sake, you're going to scare her away," She smiled radiantly.

I gave her a smile. "I'm Quinn,"

She put the box on the ground and smiled. "I'm Steph," She smiled looking down at her shirt with the store's logo. She was the owner.

"You can start tomorrow," She laughed taking the box and walking off to help a costumer.


I walked in the door of my house hoping Rebecca wasn't around. I knew she would want to talk and I wasn't in the mood. I looked at the steps and saw a note. well everyone is big on notes eh? I have a phone ya know. It was from Rebecca, she went shopping for the house. I walked upstairs and down the hallway. I passed the office door and stopped curiously. Dad will never know that I came in here.

I opened the door and saw his papers and binders of important stuff on the desk. I walked slowly to the hidden door. I pushed the book case and it wouldn't move. Damn this is heavy. I used my back and moved backwards against the side of it and it moved slightly. I began to panic. Would Rebecca snitch if she came home and found me in here? I walked over and locked the door. She won't come in here. If i'm not allowed she surely isn't either.

I finally moved the book case and opened the closet. It was completely empty except one file box. I kneeled down looking at it. I opened it seeing a few folders. Mostly his work things. This is boring. Right as I was about to close it. Something caught my eye. A folder with the tab that read Quinn M. I took it out opening it. It was crammed with papers and photographs. The first one was of a small girls arm. covered in bruises and blood. I gape at the picture. I cover my mouth and recognize the small fragile girl. It's me.

I skim the the pictures. Pictures from the bomb attack, pictures of my injuries, pictures of me and my biological parents. A picture of a small boy by himself. He was sitting in what looked like a police station. His neck discolored and bruised. I drop the photo and cover my face. Who is this??

I anxiously shove the items back in the box. I close the door and run to my room. I lay on the bed crying. Why was my life so f***ed up? I sob into the pillow and look up at the window. I look at the sun. I calm myself down. Quinn, calm down. You have to be strong. Things happen but it is all in the past. You have a new father who loves you and would never abuse you. You will never have to be abused again.

I calm myself down and sit in the middle of my bed thinking about the day. My mind traces back to the art store. The memory of Zeeda's face almost breaking because she smiled way too hard. How do you do that? How do you look so happy? I rest my head in my hands. I wish I could be that happy. Hey at least I can look forward to working tomorrow. I hug my pillow and fall asleep.


"Quinn?" I hear a stern voice and I wake. I tiredly look around and see Mr.Namakura in the doorway. What time is it?

"You were in my office when I told you not to go in there," He says as I realize I was too upset to put the book case back. I stare at him and have nothing to say. Images of the photographs flash into my mind and I feel my eyes water. I look at him and he gapes at me and walks over putting his arms around me. He sits on the bed and I sob quietly, not wanting Rebecca to hear. He rubs my shoulder and holds me and I cry. I cry because all my childhood was hurt up until Mr.Namakura helped me. He saved me. I look up at him and concern hits his face.

"I hid it there because..I wanted you to forget..I wanted to eradicate that part of your life. I'm so sorry," He says and I see a tear run down his cheek," He hugs me.

I sniffle and nod and hug him tightly. " Thank you for being my dad," I say giving him a sad-smile.

He smiles back even though he is crying. "I love you princess," He kisses my forehead and I smile back at him. 

"I got a job at an art store," I say randomly and I wipe his tears and he wipes mine. He looks around my room at the art on my walls.

"That is the perfect job," he says and wipes his eyes one more time before he helps me up and we eat dinner that Rebecca has prepared. 


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