Chapter 12: Evil Of The Crystal

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(N/n) = nickname
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(H/c) = hair colour

3d person POV:

Suddenly fireballs started shooting out of the sky as the townspeople watched in horror. Screams of shock and terror filled the air from those who were around to witness the attack.

Meliodas quickly used full counter to stop one of the fireballs heading straight for him and the others. "Damn, they're here already?" he mumbled as he landed on the ground. (Y/n) hummed and nodded her head as she stood beside the short blonde.

From up above three holy knights looked down at the sins, each having their own wicked smirk. "That equipment is sacred treasure class" King said shocked. "Yep, looks like things could get a little messy from here" (y/n) said as she cracked her knuckles. "I get Guila's gotten a lot stronger then she was last time we saw her, what's worse there's three of them this time." Meliodas said. "For now let's split up." he said. Everyone let out there own sounds of agreement and ran off. (Y/n) followed Meliodas as he ran, never letting him out of her sight.

"Clear out everyone!" Howzer yelled as he helped the townsfolk evacuate. "Follow that man like your life depends on it!" Cain yelled, pointing towards Taizoo who was helping children get to safety.


"Ellie! Ellie! I can't believe that those knights got here a lot earlier. And (y/n)! She lied to me! Why would she do that?" Veronica said, continuing to look for her sister. "Princess Veronica, we should head back now, these flames are brutal" Griamore said. "I can't! If we loose this chance then I'll never be able to bring Ellie home again!" Veronica cried. "Ellie!" Veronica yelled as she ran away, Griamore following close behind her trying to stop her.


"Wow, they sure know how to make an entrance" Ban said as he walked through the town. All of a sudden a rock was thrown at his head, which he managed to dodge, and the same holy knight from Baste was attacking him. Her sword went through his body, causing him and her to go flying back into a building. Ban coughed out blood as the purple haired knight watched with a small smile. Her eyes we're a evil shade of dark red, not like they were last time. "You have no idea how much I've missed you, does that hurt?" she asked psychoticly. Ban grined as he looked at her. "Now this is the type of action every festival should have!" he yelled. "Hold I know you from somewhere?" he asked, finally getting a good look at his attacker. "My names Jericho, if I said I was the knight that you and that girl humiliated at Baste prison would you remember?" she asked, annoyance evident in her voice. Ban smirked at her. "Oh yeah so your that barber boy huh? Didn't know that you were into cross dressing." he said.

Jericho suddenly pulled out her sword and started attacking Ban all over, causing multiple cuts to form. "Godspeed ten slashes!" she yelled. Ban was thrown back once again, only something was different. 'What the hell? Is this for real? There's so much blood, but the cuts aren't closing?' he thought in shock. "The reason I was acting like a man was because I was weak and wanted to seem more powerful." she started as she walked closer to him. She raised her leg and kicked the fox sin hard on the side, causing him to cough up more blood, as well as some blood to splatter on the knights face. "But that's no longer necessary, my hatred for you and her has brought me to an entirely knew set of strength." she said, wiping the blood onto her lips like lipstick. "You are the one who made a woman of me, and you will take responsibility of that, Ban." she said.

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